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UI Announced The Winner of UI GreenMetric World University Ranking 2015

UI greenmetric

On Friday, January 22nd 2015 at UI Integrated Faculty Club, Depok, Universitas Indonesia (UI) announced the top rank of the world’s top green campus in UI GreenMetric version.

University of Nottingham with total score of 7,267.00 got the first rank, followed by University of Connecticut with 7,156.00 and University of California, Davis with total score 7,134.00 on the third rank.

Meanwhile for universities in Indonesia, UI got the 33rd rank with total score 6,157.00, followed by  Institut Pertanian Bogor (6,130.00) on the 36th rank and Universitas Diponegoro (5,989.00) on 45th rank.

UI GreenMetric is the first university ranking that is based on high commitment in environment preservation. “UI creates Green Metric in order to stimulate universities in the world to compete on environmental awareness, not only on academic matters,’ said Rector of UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met.

UI GreenMetric ranking is based on three basic philosophies that are consist of Environment, Economic, and Equity (3’Es). The assessment indicators are campus greenness statistic (15%), solid waste management (18%), energy and climate change (21%), water usage (10%), transportation (18%) and education (18%).

Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, Chairwoman of UI GreenMetric, explained that the 2015 UI GreenMetric had added several criteria that related to water conservation, carbon footprint calculating, also scoring and weighting adaptation for each criteria.

There were 407 universities form 65 countries that participated in this year’s UI GreenMetric, including 5 new countries, that were Bangladesh, Iraq, Spanyol, El-Salvador and Australia.

Complying with its Green Campus vision, UI will also improving the environment quality of its campus.

“We have several long term plans such as motor vehicle restriction in campus area, the using of electrical fuel for our campus buses, campus’s solid waste management, up to setting up an environmental science school,” said The Rector of UI.

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