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UI Award for Outstanding Students

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has honored more than 3,000 students with academic and non-academic achievements at the national and international levels throughout 2023/2024. The awards were given in the UI Student Achievement Appreciation 2024 event held by the UI Directorate of Student Affairs (Dirmawa), on Friday (31/5), at the Balai Sidang, UI Depok Campus.

According to UI Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Badrul Munir, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., the award is given to students who have achievements in academics, reasoning competitions, arts and sports, and community service. “From our data collection, there are more than 3,000 UI students who excel, both at the national and international levels. Not only making achievements, students also carry out community service, build competence, and drive organizations. The contribution of students is very meaningful to UI and gives a positive image to the university,” he said.

The award for achievements in the academic field was given to the UI 2024 Main Achievement Student. For the Undergraduate Program, it was awarded to Adnan Hasyim Wibowo from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1st place), Jeremiah Gerhard Lubis from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (2nd place), and Najma Ali from the Faculty of Medicine (3rd place). Meanwhile, for the Vocational Program, the Main Outstanding Student award was won by Futihat Nurul Karimah.

The UI Outstanding Student Award was also given in a special category. Najma Ali became the Best Outstanding Student in the Health Group. Adnan Hasyim Wibowo is the Best Outstanding Student in Science and Technology, as well as the Best Outstanding Achievement. Jeremiah Gerhard Lubis became the Best Outstanding Student in the Social and Humanities Group, as well as the Best English Language. Yasmina Ashfa Zahidah from the Faculty of Engineering was named Best Character and Elenea Fiane from the Faculty of Dentistry as the participant with the Best Creative Ideas.

In addition, appreciation was given to students with non-academic achievements in the fields of reasoning, sports, arts, and culture. In the field of reasoning, awards were given to student teams who won the Silver Medal in the Shell Eco Marathon Asian 2023 Prototype Gasoline category and represented UI in the 2023 Energy Efficient Car Contest. Awards were also given to the Supermileage Vehicle Team, which won Gold in the prototype gasoline and urban gasoline branches; and EDS UI, which won the Gold Medal at the national debating championship and Indonesian student debate competition. UI MUN Club won an award for its achievement as Best Delegate of NATO, UNSC, UNODC at the international MUN TEIMUN competition.

In sports, UI gave awards to student teams who won Gold Medals for the Kyorugi Male U68 category and 1 Gold for the Kyorugi Male U63 category in the 2023 MBW International Taekwondo Championship. Awards were also given to the UI Karate UKM team who won 1st place in Senior KATA Male, 1st place in Senior Kumite Female, 3rd place in Senior KATA Female, and 3rd place in Senior Kumite Male in the 6th JKOF National Karate Championship in 2023; and female basketball player, Sofia Rebecca A, who won 2nd place in Women’s Basketball at the 2023 National Sports Week.

Meanwhile, in arts and culture, awards were given to the UI Marching Band UKM team, which won 4th General Champion and 2nd Visual Indonesia Drum Corps International Champion in 2023. UI appreciated the Student Dance League UKM, Krida Budaya, which carried out the European Cultural Mission during June-September 2023 and the UI FISIP Dance Community which participated in the Festival Du Sud Cultural Mission in France and Spain in July-August 2023.

UI also gave appreciation to students involved in community service activities. The award was given to the student team of the UI Teaching Movement (GUIM) class 13 in 2024 who conducted community service in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung. BEM FMIPA UI also received an award for optimizing welfare and sustainable development in Cibedug Village, Bogor through a clean water access program and literacy-based education. In addition, students of the UI Faculty of Public Health also received appreciation for the Assistance Program for the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Aspects and Emergencies carried out in Fishermen’s Village, Caringin Village, Pandeglang Regency, Banten.

The UI 2024 Student Achievement Appreciation event was held to celebrate student achievements in academic and non-academic fields. This activity is expected to inspire and motivate other students to continue to excel and make a positive contribution to UI and Indonesia.

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