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UI Best in Social Media and Internal Magazine Category at SPS AWARDS 2024

Universitas Indonesia (UI) won two awards at the Press Company Union (SPS) Awards 2024. UI won the Silver Winner in the Indonesia Inhouse Magazine Awards (InMA) Category as the Best Internal University Magazine for UIMAGZ Edition XXIII/October 2023. In addition, UI was awarded the Silver Winner in the Indonesia Digital Media Awards (IDMA) Category as Best University Social Media (this year there was no Gold Winner).

The award was given at the SPS Awards 2024 awarding night at Ciputra Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday (30/04). SPS Awards is a competition that appreciates superior journalistic work from media colleagues, campus press, and corporations / institutions throughout Indonesia.

In the Best Internal University Magazine Subcategory, UI included UIMAGZ Edition XXIII 2023 entitled “Becoming a Hero in Every Age”. “The edition of UIMAGZ that we included in the competition contains news content about UI’s commitment to providing quality education, in accordance with market needs and the times,” said Amelita Lusia, MSi, CPR, Head of UI Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau.

“In the 23rd edition of UIMAGZ, we see a number of UI academics, researchers, and students who have become “heroes” because they are actively involved in various national development programs. Among them is Professor of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI, Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., who is now appointed as Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN),” Amelita said. In the same edition, there is also a profile of Professor of the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UI, Prof. Dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Si., Ph.D. who actively raises awareness about Occupational Health and Safety (K3) to win the World Safety Organization (WSO) Professional Concerned Award.

Amelita said, “Thank you to the SPS Awards 2024 Jury for appreciating the performance of the UI Public Relations and KIP Bureau, especially through our internal magazine and social media. This award will spur UI Public Relations and KIP to proclaim good news from UI and the academic community accurately and constructively, in accordance with the big theme of this year’s SPS Awards ‘Healthy Press, Strong Democracy'”, Amelita said.

In addition to the Indonesia Inhouse Magazine Awards (InMA) and Indonesia Digital Media Awards (IDMA) categories, SPS Awards also announced winners for three other awards, namely the Indonesia Print Media Awards (IPMA), Indonesia Young Readers Awards (IYRA), and Indonesia Students Media Awards (ISMA). All entries were judged by a panel of judges with backgrounds in graphic design, branding, digital, social media, photojournalism, marketing, advertising, mass communication, and journalism.

SPS Chairman for the 2023-2027 period, Januar P. Ruswita said, “The SPS Awards 2024 event emphasizes that the role of the press in building democracy has been implemented in various important roles. The press is not merely an institution for disseminating information to the public, but also represents a control function, a criticism function, as well as providing space for public participation. The press is one of the important elements supporting democracy. Therefore, the existence of a healthy press, both in terms of business and product, is a necessity to realize a strong democracy.”

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