en sipp@ui.ac.id dan humas-ui@ui.ac.id +62 21 786 7222

UI Choir Team Won Two Achievements in Spain

Puspa Indonesia Team of Universitas Indonesia Student Choir Paragita over and over
bring glory for Indonesia on international level.
The Puspa team got runner-up position on mixed choir category and runner-up on
folksong category on 35 th Internacional Música de Cantonigròs Festival that was held at
Vic, Catalonia, Spain.
The festival that has been held for 35 years was one of the most prestigious choir
festival in the world that always participated by top choir teams from various country.
On mixed choir category, Puspa team was only defeated by two points from the host
team, Cantoria de la Merced who successfully got the first place.
On folksong category, Puspa team also took the third place by introducing Soleram,
Digadingdangdo Traditional Dance, and Indang Traditional Dance from Minang.
Not only the song and the dance, Minang features was also presented by costum that
was worn by choir personels.
There was also one more contest that was participated by Paragita in The Matador
On July 17 th 2017, the team visited Torrevieja, Spain to took part on International Choral
Contest Habaneras Torrevieja.
The competition that got into its 63 th year known with the prize that was the biggest in
Since its establishment in 1983, UI Student Choir Paragita has achieved various
achievements on national and international level.
The last one was achievement in two contest category on 62 nd Guido D’Arezzo
International Polyphonic Competition that was held in Arezzo, Italia.

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