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UI Collaborated with Tongmyong University For Academic Program

Depok, July 5th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) has again expanded its partnership with South Korea through educational cooperation. This time, UI collaborated with Tongmyong University which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by Rector of Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. and President of Tongmyong University, Ho Hwan Chun, Ph.D.

Regarding this collaboration, on Tuesday (4/7), UI welcomed the arrival of the Tongmyong University delegation at the University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus, to discuss the details of the implementation of the collaboration. The visit was welcomed by UI’s Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA, and attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UI, Dede Djuhana, Ph.D. Also attending with Ho Hwan Chun were the representatives from Tongmyong University which included Kang Young Min, Cho Mi Gyong, and Kim Min June

In his remarks, Prof. Dedi said that UI continues to be committed to advancing education and fostering international partnerships, one of which is with university partners from South Korea. “We really support UI’s collaboration in the field of education with external partners and support collaboration between our students and Tongmyong University students,” said Prof. Dedi.

Meanwhile, Ho Hwan Chun called Indonesia the most generous country and UI is the best university in Indonesia. This is what prompted Tongmyong University to be interested in collaborating and collaborating with UI. He said, “Indonesians have a mutual cooperative spirit and culture. With this spirit, we hope that the collaboration between UI and Tongmyong University can be well established and can improve the quality of global education.”

The collaboration between UI and Tongmyong University includes several things, including Academic and Non-Academic Staff Programs, Joint Research Programs, Exchange Programs, Student Programs, and Other Academic Exchanges to Which Parties Agree. Students, lecturers, researchers, and staff from both universities can be involved in these programs.

In the discussion session, UI provided information on the opening of the student exchange which was held in August. UI also provided information about UI Shine scholarships for Tongmyong University students who meet the requirements. With this collaboration, it is hoped that there will be many student exchange programs that UI and Tongmyong University students can participate in.

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