Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Xiamen University, China, on Tuesday (19/09). The arrival of the President of Xiamen University, Prof. Zhang Zongyi and his entourage at the University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus were welcomed directly by the Secretary of the Universitas Indonesia, \d. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., along with leaders from related fields. The meeting between the two universities aimed to sign an MoU and collaborate in the fields of education and research.
UI and Xiamen University have agreed to collaborate in several programs, namely visiting academic and non-academic staff programs, joint research programs, and student exchange programs. The student exchange program is focused on social group students, especially in the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA), and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UI. Both universities can send two undergraduate students (already in 5th semester) or masters (already in 3rd semester) to take part in an exchange program that lasts one academic year.
In her welcoming speech, dr. Agustin emphasized UI’s commitment to supporting students in carrying out student mobility (outbound) to various countries. In this case, dr. Agustin also explained that the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) was one of the things that UI utilized very well. “We fully support MBKM as a program that provides opportunities for students to study outside campus, starting from internships, student exchanges, to community service,” said Dr. Augustine.
Prof. Zhang on this occasion introduced Xiamen University as the only coastal university in China which is located directly facing the Taiwan Strait. As part of the leading universities in China, Xiamen University always participates in supporting government programs. In his speech, Prof. Zhang also touched on the close relationship that exists between Xiamen University and Southeast Asia. He said, “Most of the Chinese who migrated to Southeast Asia came from the same province as our university. Therefore, it is not surprising that ties between Xiamen and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, can be strengthened in the future.”
Dean of the School of Public Affairs Xiamen University, Prof. Yu Wenxuan said that Xiamen University’s interest in collaborating with the Southeast Asian region had been proven through the establishment of a Xiamen campus branch in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Meanwhile, to build partnerships in Indonesia, Xiamen University chose UI as a strategic partner considering its position as a leading university in Indonesia. Prof. Yu Wenxuan also said that Indonesian students who had studied at Xiamen University had a superior profile, were intelligent, reliable, and able to adapt to global society.
In addition, Xiamen University has established partnerships with 259 universities in various countries and regions, including the United Kingdom, United States, Japan, France, Russia, as well as Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan, China. Currently, UI continues to increase its internationalization mission by looking for host universities that are suitable for UI students to develop their interests and talents. With this collaboration, it is hoped that the two universities can facilitate students and staff to conduct research and encourage cultural exchange between the two countries. Furthermore, the important functions that UI and Xiamen University have in their respective countries can also pave the way for expanding cooperation at the government level.
The visit was also attended by the Head of the Center for Independent Learning UI, F. Astha Ekadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc; Head of the UI Public Relations Bureau and Public Information Disclosure, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si; UI Cooperation Director, Dr. Toto Pranoto, S.E., M.M., as well as representatives from FEB, FIA, and FISIP UI.
Meanwhile, delegates from Xiamen University who were also present were the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Yu Hongbo; Dean of the School of Management, Prof. Wu Chaopeng; Acting Dean of the School of International Relations / Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Prof. Gao Yanjie; and Director of the Office of Admissions and Examinations, Ms. Chen Peng.