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UI Conducts Emergency Simulation to Increase Preparedness for Potential Disasters

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Technical Supporting Unit (UPT) of Occupational Health and Safety (K3L), re-implemented emergency simulations. This year, simulation was done in two locations, namely the University Administration Center (PAU) UI building on July 3 and the Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) UI of the Depok UI Campus on July 10.

The Head of UPT K3L, Prof Sjahrul Meizar, stated that with this activity, it is hoped that every resident and educational staff at the PAU UI and the ILRC UI buildings be ready to face various emergencies that could potentially happen, so safety and security in the campus environment are maintained. “This simulation is expected to continue to be carried out routinely and become better every year to achieve continuous improvement in emergency management,” said Prof. Sjahrul.

The series of situation simulations consists of socialization and practical training, such as using Light Fire Extinguishers (APAR), vertical rescue techniques to evacuate in multi-story buildings, and extinguishing large fires using hydrants. These activities are part of the effort to implement Rector Regulation No. 15 of 2023 on Safety, Health, Environment and Disaster Safety Management System (SMK3L-AB) and follow-up to the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 33 of 2019 concerning Disaster-Safe Education Units.

The emergency situation category at UI consists of three tier levels. The first tier is a situation that can rapidly be handled by the Emergency Response Team at the working unit without the need for additional resources or interference with normal activities. The second tier involves several working units in one area, requiring coordination and additional resources from other working units, as well as potentially interfering with activities for one or more days. The third tier involves more than one working unit to the entirety of the campus and requires resources from outside of UI.

In this activity, the simulation scenario used is the third-tier emergency situation, which requires external help outside of campus. The vertical rescue technique was done from the 6th floor of the PAU UI building. This technique was used as a solution if victims were stuck on high floors and were unable to escape through the door or emergency stairs due to the high potential of them being stuck and unable to get out to the meeting point or other safe areas. Based on the location and characteristics assessments of the PAU UI building, there is the potential for several emergencies, such as fires, earthquakes, and medical incidents. Other than the three main potentials, the risk assessment identified seven potential emergencies in the UI Campus environment, namely fires, earthquakes, medical emergencies, fallen trees, laboratory incidents, traffic accidents, and drowning.

Meanwhile, emergency simulations at the ILRC UI building consist of earthquake and fire simulations. All participants were directed to move to the designated gathering point. There is also a victim handling process by the First Aid Team for Accidents by doing a cardiopulmonary resuscitation and training in extinguishing fire using a Light Fire Extinguisher (APAR). “This emergency activity is very beneficial because, with it, the staff and the leaders are educated and informed on how to deal with emergencies,” said T. Ahmad Danial, Head of Sub-Directorate of Learning Resources, Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources (DPASDP) UI.

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