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UI Coordinated with 10 Local Governments for Carrying Out Community Service

Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment of Universitas Indonesia (DPPM UI) held a coordination meeting with the local government that are the target for community service destinations, on Friday (22/7). This coordination event through Zoom Meeting provides an opportunity for UI Service Providers to interact directly with the local government.

Director of DPPM UI Agung Waluyo, Ph.D. said that this coordination meeting is needed so that the objectives of community service can be achieved. “Through this coordination meeting, we hope to provide an overview from the Regional Government regarding what UI will do in the community service destination area. Hopefully, the service carried out by UI community will have a real impact in eliminating problems in the regions for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” explained Agung.

The coordination meeting was attended by representatives from ten destination areas, which are East Lombok, Kepulauan Seribu, Sumedang, Likupang, Labuan Bajo, Banyuwangi, Tenjolaya, Bungin Village, Pandeglang, and Buleleng. After the general presentation, participants were divided into breakout rooms that brought together the UI Service Providers and the local government.

The Regent of East Lombok H. M. Sukiman Azmi welcomed the collaboration with UI Community Service Team. According to Sukiman, UI Community Service Program is an event to introduce East Lombok nationally. Therefore, they enthusiastically welcomed the arrival of the UI Service Providers and gave assistance related to licensing and technical implementation of activities at the community service location.

“We are very happy that our friends from UI came to help us deal with problems in the community. We welcome with open arms the presence of UI community and will assist the implementation of community service to the fullest. Hopefully, this community service activity can bring maximum benefits to the people of East Lombok,” said Sukiman.

One of the team members who is a student from Faculty of Law UI, Dania and her team have prepared a strategy to deal with stunting in Sembalun District through policy making. Dania also asked about the policies that have been made by the East Lombok Government to overcome the problem of stunting in the area.

According to the Regional Secretary of East Lombok Juaini Taofik, the East Lombok Government has made various regulations and policies to overcome the problem of stunting. The East Lombok government also has an incentive program for villages that successfully reduce the number of early marriages with a prize of Umrah for village officials. According to Juaini, the program has proven to be able to reduce the stunting rate in several villages.

With this collaboration, both UI Service Providers and East Lombok Government hope that in the future there will be other programs to overcome the problem of stunting and can provide maximum benefits for the community, especially the people of East Lombok.

Author: Satrio Alif| Editor: Sasa

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