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UI Displays Archives of Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool: 100 Years of History of Legal Education in Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia (UI) revealed the existence of the Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool Archive, a historical document that captures the journey of legal education in Indonesia from the colonial era to post-independence, at the seminar “Arsip Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool 1925–1953 sebagai Memori Kolektif Bangsa” (Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool Archive 1925–1953 as the Nation’s Collective Memory). The national seminar initiated by the UI Faculty of Law and the UI Archives Office on Tuesday, September 24, recorded the academic, social, and political dynamics of the Rechtshoogeschool students, the first law school in Indonesia.

It is in the spotlight in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the UI Faculty of Law Dies Natalis which falls in 2024. The seminar “Arsip Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool 1925–1953 sebagai Memori Kolektif Bangsa” (Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool Archive 1925–1953 as the Nation’s Collective Memory) was attended by several well-known figures, including Prof. Drs. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti, M.A., Ph.D., former Coordinating Minister for the Economy 2001-2004, and two main speakers: Prof. Dr. Susanto Zuhdi, M.Hum., Professor of History at UI, and Yu Un Oppusunggu, Ph.D., lecturer at the Faculty of Law at UI.

University Secretary of UI, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., emphasized that this document has a very high historical value. “This archive plays a role in maintaining the nation’s identity and ensuring that the younger generation continues to be proud of Indonesia’s long history of struggle,” she said.

Documentation of the Journey of Education and National Role

Prof. Susanto Zuhdi revealed that this archive consists of three volumes covering the period from 1925 to 1958. “The first volume covers the years 1925–1938, while the second volume covers the period 1939–1953. The third volume contains the post-independence academic journey, where there was a change in title from Meester in de Rechten (Mr.) to Sarjana Hukum (S.H.),” said Prof. Susanto.

In addition to recording academic dynamics, the Dagboek Archive also documents socio-political changes among European, indigenous, and Chinese communities in the legal education environment. “A total of 13 Rechtshoogeschool graduates were recorded as national heroes, including Amir Hamzah, a famous writer, and Teuku Muhammad Hasan, who played an important role in negotiations with the Allies after World War II,” said Prof. Susanto.

Yu Un Oppusunggu, Ph.D. added that this archive also contains important records about the use of the Rechtshoogeschool building by the Japanese Kempeitai during the occupation. “Dagboek and the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge) are closely related. Many Rechtshoogeschool graduates were actively involved in the national movement,” said Yu Un. In fact, one of the professors, Prof. F.M. Baron van Asbeck, was recorded as the owner of a house at Pengangsaan Timur No. 56, which later became the site of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.

Collective Memory of the Nation and Research Sources of The Existence of the Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool Archive is recognized as an important part of the nation’s collective memory. This document is not only a record of the journey of legal education, but also an intellectual contribution to independence. This archive will be opened for further research on legal education, history, and archiving. “By opening this access, it is hoped that the younger generation can continue to remember UI’s role in producing intellectuals and national figures,” said Wahid Nurfiantara, S.Hum., M.T.I., Head of the UI Archives Office.

Dean of the Faculty of Law UI, Dr. Parulian Paidi Aritonang, S.H., LL.M., MPP., expressed his pride in the great contribution of FH UI to the history of Indonesian legal education. “This is not just a celebration of history, but also a moment of reflection to strengthen legal education in the next century. Many previous professors’ thoughts have ‘Indonesianized’ our legal curriculum, and this is a valuable legacy for future generations,” said Dr. Parulian.

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