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UI Graduated 3.825 Graduates

tb_social_feed_img_1423205626Universitas Indonesia held the odd semester graduation ceremony year 2014/2015 at Balairung UI, Depok. Total of the graduates from diploma to doctoral degree was 3.825 graduates.

On this semester, 618 graduates successfully graduated with cumlaude predicate. The graduation ceremony was held in two sessions on the same day. The morning session was held at 09.00-11.00 am for profession, specialist, masters and doctoral degree programs, while the noon session was held at 01.00-04.00 pm for bachelor’s degree program.

Overall, UI passed 121 doctors. The faculty which passed doctors at most was Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with 22 doctors. The graduation ceremony for profession, specialist, masters and doctoral degree programs was attended by 1.794 graduates which consists of 147 graduates of profession program, 269 graduates of specialist program, 1.257 graduates of master’s degree program, and 121 graduates of doctoral degree program.

41 graduates of profession program got cumlaude predicate with the highest grade point average (GPA) was 3.83, achieved by Farizy Yunaz from Faculty of Economy. Meanwhile, the youngest graduate of profession program with cumlaude predicate was Nadra Septiadi with GPA of 3.54. She successfully finish her study at Faculty of Medicine at the age of 22 years and 4 months.

The number of 25 graduates of specialist program got cumlaude predicate. Maria Louisa, graduate of Faculty of Dentistry passed with the highest grade point average (GPA) of 3.94. She also the youngest graduate of specialist program, who graduated at age of 25 years and 4 months.

112 graduates of master’s degree program got cumlaude predicate with the highest and also the perfect GPA of 4.00 was achieved by Bagus Wibatsu Wahyuntoro and Oktrianto from Faculty of Engineering also Ricky Timothy Gultom from Faculty of Computer Sciences. Meanwhile 6 graduates of doctoral degree program got cumlaude predicate with perfect GPA of 4.00 was achieved by Dyah Setyaningrum from Science of Accounting study program, Faculty of Economy.

On graduation ceremony of bachelor’s degree program, UI graduated 2.031 graduate which consists of 69 graduates of diploma program, 1.247 graduates of bachelor’s degree of regular program, 380 graduates of bachelor’s degree of parallel program, 99 graduates of bachelor’s degree of international class program, and 235 graduates of extension program.

341 graduates from bachelor’s degree of regular program got cumlaude predicate, with the highest GPA of 3.98 was achieved by Victoria Anugrah Lestari from Faculty of Computer Sciences. The highest GPA of 3.90 from bachelor’s degree of international class program was achieved by Hasianti Deamita from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Meanwhile, the youngest graduate of bachelor’s degree with cumlaude predicate was achieved by Samuel Marulam Kristian Tambunan from Geography study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the age of 19 years and 4 months.

In his speech, The Rector of Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met., said “The graduation ceremony is one of important moments of academic life at UI and this is the momentum for UI to present a good quality human resources as the part of the power of Indonesia”.

He also explained that UI’s commitment to produce the good quality graduate has been proven by various achievement that were accomplished by UI’s students, lecturers and researchers who tried to find the solution of any national and global issues. Besides that, UI always tries to support the educational cost of its students.

In 2014, UI distributed scholarships and expense support with amounts of  122.349.353.254 IDR to 12.907 UI’s students. The expense support with amount of 77,483,175,000 IDR or 63,33% came from UI’s internal scholarship. Hopefully, those kind of support will continue to support UI’s student to actively participate in achievements in order to bring UI to get The Next Level of Excellence. (AY/Humas UI)

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