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UI GreenCityMetric 2024 Awaits the Emergence of Superior Regional Leaders Who Are Pro Sustainable Smart City Issues

UI GreenMetric released the 2024 UI GreenCityMetric Ranking version of the ten most sustainable regencies/cities in Indonesia on Thursday, August 8, at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Depok Campus Convention Hall. The ten most sustainable regencies/cities based on the rankings include 1) Kediri City, 2) Madiun City, 3) Blitar City, 4) Semarang City, 5) Wonogiri Regency, 6) Pariaman City, 7) Banjarbaru City, 8) Salatiga City, 9) Medan City, and 10) Jambi City.

UI Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, drg. Nurtami, Ph.D, Sp.OF(K), mentioned that this ranking aims to see the transformation of regencies/cities in Indonesia related to sustainability. Rapid modernization in regencies/cities brought efficiency in many sectors, but also threatened survival. Development and lifestyles that do not respect sustainability will have an impact on global warming, environmental pollution, pollution, and the ecosystem.

“For this, we need to pay attention and make sustainability a benchmark in planning, decision-making, and running the government. By paying attention to sustainability, we not only maintain the environment, but also ensure the public receives the maximum positive impact from this change,” said drg. Nurtami.

The UI GreenCityMetric ranking is based on six indicators, namely Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste and Waste Management, Water Management, Access and Mobility, and Governance. UI GreenMetric assessed 20 regencies and 44 cities from 23 provinces in Indonesia. This year, there are 12 regencies new to the ranking.

On the third day of UI GreenCityMetric, UI GreenMetric released six regencies/cities with the highest scores of each indicator. Semarang City excels in the field of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure. Wonogiri Regency is best for the Energy and Climate Change indicators. Parepare City wins the Waste Management. North Barito Regency is the most sustainable for Water Management. Kediri City excels in the Access and Mobility indicator. Meanwhile, Madiun City is best in Governance. This year, an award is also given to Magelang City for having the Best Sustainability Performance Improvement; and Trenggalek Regency as the Best New Participant Regency/City.

The Head of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari M.M., M.Sc., stated that UI GreenCityMetric added a new indicator related to the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in each category of UI GreenCityMetric this year. The aim is to encourage the use of technology in supporting sustainability programs in each area. With the TIK indicator, innovation from regencies/cities can be monitored, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of sustainability programs.

“With this year’s execution, we learn that collaboration and strong commitment from the local government are important. The success of sustainable programs not only depends on good policies, but also on active participation of all components of society. We also see that the presence of a clear and measurable indicator greatly aids in evaluating progress and determining future improvement steps. Because of that, UI GreenCityMetric looks forward to the emergence of Regional leaders elected in the simultaneous regional elections who are concerned with environmental issues, as well as smart, healthy, safe, and sustainable cities,” said Prof. Riri.

The synergy between the campus and local government is spotlighted by the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc. According to him, a study shows that collaborating cities (with academic institutions) experience an efficiency increase in the implementation of sustainability policies of around 25%. This collaboration also speeds up the implementation of green technology and innovation, as well as increasing local capacity in handling environmental challenges. 

“Data from the Global Green Economy Index of the year 2023 also showed that cities committed to sustainability have a higher life quality and investment attraction. There are many things that might become benefits for cities which has implemented Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and participated in the UI GreenMetric rankings. Because of that, we hope that more local governments from all over Indonesia will join UI GreenCityMetric in the coming years,” said Prof. Haris.

Director General of Climate Change Control of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Laksmi Dhewanthi, M.A., and the Head of the National Secretariat of SDGs of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas of the Republic of Indonesia, Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, S.TP, MS, Ph.D, also highlighted the issue of environmental challenges we currently face, one of them being urban issues. According to Pungkas, even though Indonesia has reached around 65% of SDGs indicators, with the increasing change of demography and urbanization structures (around 56.4% already live in urban areas), of course, the challenges faced are increasingly real. “There are problems with energy needs, infrastructure, transportation, and waste management. All of these problems are very closely related to urban areas,” he said.

Because of that, indicators specified in the GreenCityMetric UI assessment are suitable for the urban maturity assessment standards, according to the Acting Director General of Regional Administration Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Drs. Amran, M.T. He said, “In the urban service standards, there are three indicators to measure Sustainable Urban Index, which are urban services and quality of life, smart cities, and resilient cities. These three indicators are included in the assessment criteria set by UI GreenCityMetric.”

In the UI GreenCityMetric Ranking 2024 Announcement and Award Ceremony, also in attendance was the Executive Director of the Association of Indonesian City Governments, Alwis Rustam, M.Int.Dev; Acting Regent of North Barito Regency, Drs. Muhlis; Regent of Trenggalek Regency, Mochamad Nur Arifin, S.E., M.PSDM; Acting Mayor of Pariaman, Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.; Acting Mayor of Kediri, Dr. Ir. Zanariah, M.Si.; Mayors, Regents, Heads of Bappeda and Development Champions throughout Indonesia.

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