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UI GreenMetric Conducts First Socialization in Ecuador

UI GreenMetric World University Ranking held the first socialization in Ecuador on Monday (9/30/2019) with the host of Escuela Superior Politecnica De Chimborazo (ESPOCH). The main purpose of this socialization activity is to explain the UI GreenMetric program.

It is hoped that with this activity, more and more universities in Ecuador will be interested in joining UI GreenMetric, as well as collaborating in addressing global environmental issues.

In this activity, there were 10 universities in Ecuador who claimed to join UI GreenMetric. The ten universities are Escuela Superior Politecnica De Chimborazo, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Universidad Estetel de Polyolyfuil, Universidad de Los Hemisferios, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo Catolólica, Babahoyo Catalan del Ecuador, Universidad Católica de Cuenca. There are also 1 university from Mexico, the Universidad de Sonora.

The workshop and outreach activities began with a joint cycling event which was attended by all workshop participants. Then the activity continued with remarks from the ESPOCH Chancellor, Ing. Byron Ernesto Vaca Barahona, Ph.D., followed by Chair of UI GreenMetric; Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., MM., And the Indonesian Ambassador to Ecuador, Dra. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono, M.Psi.

At the workshop session, Prof. Riri explained about what the UI GreenMetric is and the challenges faced by the UI GreenMetric. While Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, ST., MT., M.Agr., Explained about the indicators and technical side of the UI GreenMetric assessment mechanism.

The next session was a sharing session on best practice stories on the implementation of environmental maintenance activities from several universities present. The workshop session was closed with the submission of the Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo as the host of the workshop next year. While from Mexico, Universidad de Sonora volunteered.

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