en sipp@ui.ac.id dan humas-ui@ui.ac.id +62 21 786 7222

UI Has Opened 4 New Majors This Year

makara-webIn 2015, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has opened 4 new majors, which are consists of  Bachelor Degree on Geology, Geophysics, and Statistic from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), also Bachelor Degree on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), which is part of Faculty of Public Health (FKM).

Prospective students of UI for 2015/2016 academic year can choose those new majors on SIMAK UI 2015 or written test of SBMPTN 2015. Student capacity of each majors is 60 students. Registration for SIMAK UI has opened on April 27th to May 29th 2015 by online on www.penerimaan.ui.ac.id.  SIMAK UI test will be done on June 14th 2015. Meanwhile, SBMPTN registration can be done on May 11th to 29th 2015. SMBPTN test will be done on June 9th 2015.

Geology is a subject that study anything about earth knowledge, its constituent materials, all process that happened during or after its formation phase, and all living creatures that had ever exist on earth. A geologist works to understand the occurring process of earth, the formation of rocks and minerals, the occurrence of natural disasters, and environmental safety.

Meanwhile, geophysics is a subject that combine physics methodology and geology concept to understand the bottom structure of earth surface. One of the benefit of geophysics is to discover the existence of natural resource that is contained on earth, such as crude oil, natural gas, coal, minerals, geothermal and ground water.

Moreover, geophysics also can be used for mitigation of natural disasters (such as area identification of earthquake-prone, landslides, and disasters of volcanic eruptions) and identification of environmental problems, such as for mapping the underground waste pollution distribution.

Statistic is a subject that study about how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and present the data for decision making in life. Career opportunities for graduates of are very wide. Not only to be an educator, but they also can be an actuary, risk management, data analyze, statistical consultant, banking and asurance, research and development, until market research.

Lastly, OHS is a study on risk management (anticipation, recognation, evaluation and control) at work place that has potency to lower health and safety of workers. Currently, OHS scholarly at UI consists of several field of study, which are occupational health, occupational safety, ergonomic, industrial hygiene, and human factor and behavior in OHS. Graduates of OHS has career opportunities on various industrial sector, such as oil industry, mining, manufacture, construction, transportation, agriculture, health, laboratory, teacher, consultant, government as well as private.

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