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UI Holds International Seminar on Integrated Land Transportation

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG), successfully held an International Seminar titled “Sistem Transportasi Darat Indonesia Terintegrasi, Cerdas, dan Berkelanjutan” (Integrated, Smart, and Sustainable Indonesian Land Transportation System) on Thursday, October 10, at Balai Sidang, UI Depok Campus. The seminar, which was opened by the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Karya Sumadi, was filled with a series of activities including the launch and submission of the Buku Putih Evaluasi Capaian Kinerja Transportasi Darat (White Paper on Evaluation of Land Transportation Performance Achievements) by the Director of SKSG UI, Athor Subroto, Ph.D.

The White Paper is the result of a study conducted by the SKSG UI Research Team in collaboration with the Transportation Policy Agency of the Ministry of Transportation through Pusat Kebijakan Lalu Lintas, Angkutan, dan Transportasi Perkotaan (LLATP) (Center for Traffic, Transportation, and Urban Transportation Policy). This book contains an overview of the performance of the land transportation sector for a decade, including an analysis of achievements, challenges faced, and plans or recommendations for future improvements.

The seminar, which was attended by 255 participants, was led by Lin Yola, Ph.D., and involved several well-known speakers in the transportation sector, namely the Director General of Land Transportation, Inspector General of Police Risyapudin Nursin; Minister of Bappenas 2016-2019 and Head of BRIN 2019-2021, Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, as well as academics and practitioners, Prof. Sutanto Soehodho, Prof. Ir. Evawani Ellisadari, and experts from The University of Tokyo, Dinesh Manandhar.

In the last decade, the government has made efforts to improve integrated land transportation infrastructure through the construction and rehabilitation of passenger and goods terminals and ferry dock facilities. A total of 59, including 6 new terminals and 53 terminals in rehabilitation were built to support community connectivity, especially in disadvantaged, outermost, and isolated areas.

“This terminal not only functions to pick up and drop off passengers but also as a place to ensure the safety of vehicles and drivers through Kerja sama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (Government and Business Entity Cooperation), or KPBU. These terminals also provide space for MSMEs that help improve the local economy,” said Inspector General of Police Risyapudin.

Not only an integrated transportation system, Prof. Bambang also discussed the importance of a smart and sustainable transportation system to support the global green mission. He emphasized that urbanization is often the main source of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, so it is necessary to synchronize transportation development through the application of efficient technology. “Current digital advances allow transportation systems to be managed better, to create a smart and sustainable transportation system. This is an important part of the Smart City concept,” said Prof. Bambang.

Athor Subroto added that the development of transportation infrastructure, services, and facilities is a priority that can improve connectivity between islands and regions. According to him, we will see more local wisdom being accommodated well through the involvement of intelligent artificial technology, encouraging more innovations that must be carried out. However, it still prioritizes integration between one mode of transportation and another.

Furthermore, Prof. Sutanto and Prof. Ir. Evawani, responded to the results of the study that had been compiled by SKSG UI. The two experts shared their experiences and perspectives related to the development of a sustainable transportation system. Prof. Sutanto assessed that there are various challenges and opportunities in creating a more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation system, so that it can meet the needs of the Indonesian people in the future.

In addition to presenting experts and practitioners in strategic discussions, this seminar also presents various side events, such as a short essay writing competition, photography competition, photo booth, special appearance by Fanny Sabila KDI and Friends, as well as a raffle of attractive prizes for participants, including e-money cards, helmets, and a Grand Prize of two electric bicycles.

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