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UI Holds Summer Course Program 2024: A Platform for Scientific and Cultural Exchange for 28 International Students

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), successfully held the 2024 Summer Course Program which took place from August to September. This program was designed as an effort to strengthen international collaboration in education and culture, as well as being a forum for students from various countries to exchange knowledge and experiences. A total of 28 foreign students from eight international universities participated in this activity.

Dean of FKG UI, Dr. drg. Nia Ayu Ismaniati, MDSc., Sp.Ort., Subsp.D.D.T.K(K), emphasized the importance of this program in responding to the challenges of globalization in the world of education. “In the era of globalization that continues to develop, it is important for educational institutions to expand the reach and impact of education through international collaboration. Therefore, FKG UI is proud to introduce the 2024 Summer Course Program which is designed to provide opportunities for students from different countries to study together, exchange knowledge, and build networks with institutions from various countries,” she said.

The program is divided into two sessions, namely the first session on August 5 to September 5 and the second session on September 9-22, 2024. The participants came from various universities, including the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) in the Netherlands, Kagoshima University and Tohoku University from Japan, University of Puthisastra Cambodia, and several universities from Malaysia and India.

During the activity, the students had the opportunity to attend general lectures delivered by experts, both from within and outside the country. They were also involved in the Skills Lab led by drg. Arbi Wijaya, Sp.BM., and conducted observations at several hospitals, including RSKGM FKG UI, Universitas Indonesia Hospital, and Tangerang General Hospital.

Acting Head of International Relations FKG UI, drg. Nieka Adhara Wahono, Sp.KGA, K-KKA., Ph.D., said that the participants were also introduced to Indonesian culture through traditional arts activities. “The participants were also introduced to Indonesian arts and culture, namely by learning to dance the saman dance, a traditional dance of the Gayo people, Aceh. Although the movements were relatively difficult, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants to demonstrate body movements accompanied by the typical music of the Serambi Mekkah,” he said. In addition, participants also learned to play the angklung, a traditional Indonesian musical instrument, guided by artists from Saung Udjo.

Furthermore, the foreign students also had the opportunity to visit Kampung Ilmu Purwakarta, a village that combines local wisdom with innovation in the fields of education and the environment. The initiator of the Kampung Ilmu, Imam Budidarmawan Prasodjo, M.A., Ph.D., also explained the various innovative programs run there, including waste processing and cultivation. Eva Helene Van Der Voorn, a student from ACTA Netherlands, expressed her impressions of this program. “A very valuable experience, for the first time setting foot in Indonesia, a country that is so beautiful with diverse arts and cultures. This will be a very memorable cross-country academic journey for me because, in addition to knowledge from great experts, I also have the opportunity to exchange experiences with friends from various countries. Thank you FKG UI for the beautiful memories full of meaning,” she said.

This Summer Course program is expected to continue as a real manifestation of UI’s commitment to expanding global insight, strengthening research collaboration, and advancing cross-cultural education on an international level.

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