Remaining at number 1 in Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has also experienced an increase in its ranking at the Asian and world level, based on the ranking by EduRank 2024. At the Asian level, UI’s ranking rose from 92 to 88, while at the global level, it rose from 562 to 531. Meanwhile, at the Southeast Asian level, UI was in 6th position.
The increase in UI’s ranking was based on three indicators: research results (45%), non-academic reputation (45%), and alumni influence (10%). Regarding research results indicators, UI is included in the Top 50% of 198 research topics. There are 53,903 academic publications recorded with 207,063 citations in 13 scientific fields. Overall, UI is in 1st place in Indonesia for ten fields of science: Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Psychology, Business, Mathematics, Economics, and Art & Design.
In 2023, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences and Economics will be in the top 100 rankings in Asia. In Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, UI has 3,917 publications with 18,927 citations, while in Economics, there are 1,460 publications with 6,968 citations. The highest number of publications is in Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (3,917), Medicine (3,155), and Biology (2,718), while the highest number of citations is in Environmental Science (17,984 from 2,415 publications), Computer Science (14,299 citations from 1,891 publications), and Engineering (16,670 citations from 2,009 publications).
In the second indicator, non-academic reputation, EduRank employs the same approach as Google and other modern search engines to calculate website reputation and links to university pages from different sites. They also use data from Ahrefs as a source with an index of pages and links available.
Meanwhile, regarding alumni indicators, UI is ranked 166th globally, 29th in Asia, and 1st in Indonesia based on the aggregate of leading alumni. There are 193 prominent alumni who are recorded as having great influence. EduRank ranks the 100 most popular ones based on Wikipedia. Some of them are Megawati Soekarnoputri, Najwa Shihab, Puan Maharani, Chairul Tanjung, Nagita Slavina, Raditya Dika, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Rossa, Moeldoko, and Muhammad Yamin.
UI Chancellor, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D, assessed this achievement as a reward for UI’s solemnity to improve the quality of research and education at the global level. The UI academic community is no longer oriented towards producing lots of publications but rather improving their quality. The large number of citations to UI research shows that UI plays a role in providing solutions to world problems. Quality education influences the contribution of UI alumni to the wider community.