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UI Launched Smart Classroom and Remote-Virtual Lab UI on its 73rd Anniversary

Launching Smart Classroom and Remote-Virtual Lab UI on the 73rd Anniversary, UI Also Appreciates the Best Academics

“In this modern era, everything has to be smart. Even classes and blackboards must be smart. However, as humans, especially in the academic world, we must be smarter than tools and instruments. That’s the key. This innovation helps us because education in the modern age is not only transferring knowledge but also giving its relevance in solving problems. With this Smart Classroom, we can combine other media in the world, view headlines and include them as lecture material, and get quick responses from lecture participants. This is what is called the smart age: everything has to be smart,” said Prof Ari.

Smart Classroom is a technology-enabled classroom to support interactive and hybrid teaching. In 2022, Academic and Student Affairs UI will provide 20 packages of Smart Classroom equipment for all Faculties, Schools, Vocational Education Program, and 3 Work Units at UI. This equipment consists of an 86-inch interactive board, smart whiteboard, 4K smart tracking camera, and audio system. The Smart Classroom has begun to be used for daily lectures and academic activities. In the future, this room will also be used for seminars, training, and other educational activities.

Apart from Smart Classroom, Remote-Virtual Lab UI was also launched on that occasion. In 2022, the Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources (DPASDP) with the faculties developed remote lab and virtual lab innovations for remote practical activity trials to produce prototypes that can be developed and used in long-term learning. The development of this innovation also aims to increase the readiness of study programs in holding practical activities for post-pandemic blended lectures.

Remote-Virtual Lab UI in each science cluster has its own specialties. In the Health Sciences Cluster, there is VR Basic Life Support Skills, which is useful for practicing disaster management modules and basic biomedical sciences. This innovation can be used by students from other disciplines and can train students to get used to emergency situations.

Meanwhile, in the Vocational Education Program, there are five Stimulating and Developing Excellent Wellness Accomplished applications called Sadewa. This VR application consists of Eating VR (for self-recovery of the patient’s eating habits), Dressing VR (for self-recovery of the patient’s clothes-changing activity), VR Lego (for self-recovery of the patient’s fine motor skills), VR Mobility (to restore functional mobility patients), and VR Hospitality (to train customer service skills in hospitals.

In the Faculty of Engineering, Remote-Virtual Lab that was built includes Virtual Lab Unit Operasi Proses (can be used in basic chemistry practice); Virtual Lab CNC-Milling (reduce the risk of machine damage during training to produce products); Virtual Lab Konstruksi (remotely monitor construction work), and Virtual Lab Kimia (can be used in UOP1 practical learning & Lab Operations Unit). As for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), a Remote Lab for Seismic and Petrophysical Data Processing and Interpretation was established which makes it easier for students to access practical resources from anywhere.

These two innovations are part of a series of innovations that have been produced by UI academics. As a form of UI’s appreciation for these achievements, in the series of UI’s 73rd Anniversary, awards were also given to academics, work units, faculties, schools, Vocational Education Program, and Special Work Units (UKK) for innovation, achievement, and various efforts have been made to advance UI. The number of awards given was 246 in 73 categories.

“Various achievements have been made by UI academics, both in the academic and non-academic fields. This achievement definitely deserves honors and makes UI proud, both at the national and global levels. Various achievements that support the Three Pillars of Higher Education can be realized thanks to the hard work and efforts of all academics. Therefore, I personally and on behalf of UI executives express my highest appreciation to all UI academics for the efforts in sustaining UI’s good name,” said Prof. Ari at the end of his speech.

Author: Sasa

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