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UI Library Develops Effective Research Skills Through Database Use Training Classes

Universitas Indonesia (UI) Library is once again holding E-Resource Day 2023. In this third edition, they brought the theme of “Developing Effective Research Skills in the AI ​​Age”. E-Resource Day 2023 started on Monday (27/11) in the Library Floating Room, UI Campus, Depok with discussions regarding the use of the ProQuest database aggregator and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

In her speech, the Executive Director of the UI Library, Luluk Tri Wulandari, said that the UI Library routinely evaluates the use of database platforms for research purposes every year. The UI Library has also prepared an integrated search portal on the UI Library website ( Visitors to the site can access almost all journal and e-book provider platforms subscribed to by UI. This way, visitors can search for a variety of content that is not limited to a particular publisher.

ProQuest is one of the database aggregators subscribed to by the UI Library. As a database aggregator, ProQuest does not publish books, journals, or its own content, but works with a wide variety of publishers to acquire journals. ProQuest provides journals from various scientific fields (multi-subject), ranging from business, arts, engineering, psychology, health, and others.

Nandana, ProQuest trainer from PT Jasaraya Tama Jaya Buana, said that ProQuest has advantages over other publishers because it contains a collection of publishers with various types of content (source types). Apart from academic journals and books, there are also blogs, podcasts, websites, papers and conference proceedings, dissertations and theses, magazines, newspapers, reports, standards & practice guidelines, topic pages, trade journals, audio and video, wire feeds, to working papers .

To provide dissertation and thesis content, ProQuest collaborates with many world universities who are willing to provide access to their dissertations and theses exclusively. Furthermore, using the ProQuest site is quite easy. Web visitors can write keywords in detailed terms and can include quotation marks at the beginning and end for more specific search results. ProQuest’s appearance is deliberately designed to be simple to make things easier for users.

Apart from ProQuest, ACM Digital Library is also a platform subscribed to by the UI Library. ACM is one of the world’s leading organizations in supporting the development of computer science. This organization acts as a forum for researchers, experts, and innovators to introduce their ideas, discoveries, or thoughts through publishing their works in the form of conferences, journals, magazines, bulletins and books.

“ACM was founded when computer science was still in its infancy. ACM has published the work of early pioneers whose ideas have had a huge impact on the world around us, shaping technology that is now part of everyday life,” said Teguh Marwono, Account Manager Digital Library Solutions for the ACM database .

In his presentation, Teguh said that the ACM Digital Library has various advantages, including access to high quality publications; extensive search capabilities; extensive bibliographic citations; personalized online services; and broad historical coverage. The content provided by ACM has also gone through an assessment or peer review process. Therefore, the ACM Digital Library plays a key role in supporting research, innovation, and knowledge exchange for computer science enthusiasts globally.

With the E-Resource Day 2023 Edition 3 training class, participants who attend can utilize these platforms for projects that will be and are currently being worked on. Both databases are also very accessible for the public. E-Resource Day 2023 will run until December 1st 2023 with different discussion topics every day. This activity is open to the UI academic community and the general public.


Author: Nabila Diva Angely | Editor: Dyra Daniera

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