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UI-Ministry of PANRB Continue E-Government Collaboration

Depok, June 22nd 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) extended the collaboration with the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) which had been implemented since 2018. This extension was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by Rector of Universitas Indonesia Prof. Ari Kuncoro S.E., M.A., Ph.D.—who, on that occasion, was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Parulian Paidi Aritonang, S.H., LL.M., MPP—and the Minister of PANRB, Abdullah Azwar Anas. At the event which was held on Wednesday (21/6), in the Hall of the Ministry of PANRB, South Jakarta, the Director of Cooperation Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Toto Pranoto, S.E., MM. was also present.

This collaboration will focus on developing an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) and improving the quality of legal services through the Three Principles of Higher Education. According to Azwar Anas, simplification of the stages and digitalization of personnel services is needed to accelerate the transformation of personnel services organized by the National Civil Service Agency.

He stated that the urgency of implementing SPEB includes two things, namely making it easier for citizens to access public services, as well as increasing the corruption perception index, the level of ease of doing business, and the law enforcement index. A good SPBE will be able to check various assessment indicators in order to create a clean and effective government.

“Academics have a big role in Bureaucratic Reform. They can provide analysis of policy problems and propose policy solutions, as well as play a role in strengthening evidence-based policies. Apart from that, academics can also become a bridge between the government and the community to socialize this program,” said Minister Azwar Anas.

Previously, through the UI–Center for Study of Governance and Administrative Reform (CSGAR), UI had collaborated with the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) regarding experts. With this extension, cooperation will be expanded into several fields, including bureaucratic reform, apparatus accountability, and supervision; development of apparatus human resources, public services; institutional; governance; electronic-based government system; and development of government administration. The expansion of cooperation will also be carried out in the fields of education, research and community service.

Dr. Parulian hoped that UI could implement SPBE as a solution to problems faced by lecturers and education staff. With this system, as directed by the Minister of PANRB, many processes can be cut. For example, a promotion service that originally required 14 stages could be trimmed down to 2 stages, making it more efficient.

“With this SPBE, we can hopefully align it according to the policy of the Minister of PANRB, and what the government hopes that lecturers and education staff at UI can implement,” said Dr. Parulian.

Meanwhile, with regard to the scope of legal services, various efforts were made to facilitate increasing the existence and coordination of development implementation. Advocacy and consulting legal services are carried out through support for requests for material review and legal handling. At the university level, management of legal documentation and information networks is carried out, as well as internship programs for final year students and university graduates.

“The Legal Information Network is a faster and more transparent information service with a more detailed regulatory level. With this service, it is hoped that we will be able to see and access all regulations and policies related to apparatus so that we can harmonize regulations from the level of law to regulations at universities. This is a good and new thing, because it is more effective and efficient as a bridge system that informs the law to each individual,” said Dr. Parulian.

In addition to UI, the PANRB Ministry extended cooperation with three other universities, namely The Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Telkom University. The PANRB Ministry also signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with Sebelas Maret University, Surabaya State University, and the Kalimantan Institute of Technology, having previously collaborated with 27 universities. On that occasion, a cooperation agreement in the field of legal services was signed by the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) with Padjadjaran University and Telkom University; as well as in SPBE with Telkom University.

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