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UI Mosque Launched UPZ Baznas and Spread Love to 1,000 Orphans on the Commemoration of Eid Milad-un-Nabi

Science and Morality is the most beautiful legacy that the Prophet Muhammad passed down to his people. In the context of developing science, knowledge, and technology, Rasulullah taught to reject irrational things, foster rationality, encourage experimentation, and take lessons from anyone and anywhere. According to the caretaker of the Ma’had Aly Raudhatul Muhibbin Caringin Islamic Boarding School, Bogor Dr. KHM. Luqman Hakim, M.A., Rasulullah bequeathed the Quran and hadith that can be used by his people as a guide to life by practicing the meaning of the content in each verse.

One of the examples of Rasulullah followed by his people is the teaching to share with others. Therefore, in order to commemorate Eid Milad-un-Nabi (the birth of the Prophet) 1444 H, Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque of Universitas Indonesia (MUI UI) provided compensation to 1,000 orphans and launched Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ), National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas), on Saturday (08/10).

UPZ is an organizational unit formed by Baznas in various entities with the aim of optimizing zakat governance in serving zakat payments from muzakki (zakat givers) and distributing zakat to mustahiq (zakat recipients), according to the provisions of Islamic law. This means that MUI UI has officially been selected and registered in Baznas as a mosque that opens zakat, infaq, and sadaqah for Muslims.

The inauguration was symbolically done by cutting the ribbon by the Head of Education and Da’wah Division of Baznas Farid Septian. Farid hoped that Muslims who are already classified as muzakki can pay zakat so that mustahik can be helped through ongoing programs, such as one of the handover of orphan compensation carried out by MUI UI.

The Head of the Sub-Directorate for the Special Unit for Commercial Business (UKK UK), Directorate for Management and Development of Business Units (DPPU) UI, Ardiyansyah, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., said that UI as a science center university will continue to encourage progress of the nation and always prioritize tolerance. UI fully supports the entire academic community, especially students, to have good character.

“To adhere a good character, everyone must have a role model, including Muslims who have a role model of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Eid Milad-un-Nabi is a reminder of the birth of the Prophet who is so noble and has a good character. so all Muslims admires his piety. I also thank all the supporting sponsors that I cannot mention one by one, hopefully on another occasion we can continue to work together,” said Ardiyansyah.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met., UI Rector for the 2014–2019 period, in his remarks said, the commemoration of Eid Milad-un-Nabi is an event to remember the exemplary character of the Prophet. “As Muslims who love the Prophet, we should practice and imitate the character of the Prophet. There are many ways to show love for the Prophet, including practicing sunnah worship, prayer, tahajjud prayer, and listening to sermon, which are also forms of people’s love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, “said Prof. Anis.

The organization of this Eid Milad-un-Nabi is one of the moments to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which falls on 12 Rabiul Awal. The event, which was filled with various groups, also proved the enthusiasm of Muslims for their love for the Holy Prophet. “In this moment, let us increase our faith and piety to Allah SWT by carrying out what the Prophet commends and recommends as well as avoiding what is prohibited,” said Achmad Solechan, M.Si. as the Chief Executive of Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque of UI.

In this series of commemorations of this Eid Milad-un-Nabi, there was also a reading of the Milad of the Prophet by Ustaz Romadhon, a recitation of tilawah by Ustaz Syamsuri Firdaus, and a marawis performance by the students and the Hadrah team of the Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit (UPT PLK) of UI. The event was finished with the distribution of compensation to 1,000 orphans by the committee of UI Mosque.

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