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UI Nature Lovers Students as Booster Vaccination Drivers in the Lake Toba Area

The Nature Lovers Student, Universitas Indonesia Team (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam, MAPALA UI), which received support from various parties regarding the implementation of vaccinations to prevent Covid-19, arrived in Toba, North Sumatra. This activity is a form of Mapala UI’s service to the community. Mapala UI’s previous adventure activity was to Kembara Banoa Toba which took place on Lake Toba, one of the Super Priority Destination areas.

The Toba Vaccination activity aims to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 virus and reduce the probability of transmission in natural tourism areas. This activity has started since January 25, 2022 at the first point, namely in Muara District, Sibandang Island. This vaccination activity aims to distribute 10,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to 20,000 booster targets. Later, this activity will continue until all doses are successfully absorbed.

Mapala UI as the organizer is of course assisted by various parties in organizing this Toba vaccination. PT Toba Pulp Lestari as the sponsor of the activity helped with operational needs and collaborated with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of North Sumatra as the medical person in charge.

Vaccination activities are carried out with SMILE and P-Care records from local districts and sub-districts. This activity also collaborates with the District Health Office, Community Health Centers, villages, and local residents in its implementation.

“In the context of handling the Covid-19 pandemic, universities and students are currently one of the important drivers to create herd immunity as quickly as possible by maximizing vaccine distribution to the community. So far, UI students have been very active in helping the government as implementers and volunteers of various vaccination programs on campus and in other areas far from the capital, from the Toba region to Papua,” said Dr. Badrul Munir, UI Director of Student Affairs.


Author: Directorate of Student Affairs | Editor: Mariana Sumanti

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