The Universitas Indonesia (UI) once again occupies the top position in Indonesia according to the July 2022 edition of the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities. This achievement was achieved thanks to UI’s success in meeting the requirements of the Webometrics assessment based on three indicators, namely visibility or web contents impact, transparency or openness, and excellence or scholar.
The Head of UI Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si., said, “In this edition, UI is ranked 603rd in the world, rising 46 ranks from the January 2022 edition of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities where UI was ranked 649th in the world.” For Southeast Asia, in Webometrics July 2022, UI is ranked 10th, and is ranked the first Best University in Indonesia. Since 2020, UI’s ranking on Webometric has continued to increase. In July 2020 and July 2021, UI ranked 694th and 729th overall.
Webometrics is a website-based ranking system for universities around the world. Webometrics assesses web presence and visibility as an indicator of a university’s global performance. These indicators take into account the commitment to teaching, the range of research output, the perceived international prestige, the relationship with the community including the industrial and economic sectors of the university. Webometrics publishes a web ranking of the world’s universities every six months, in the January and July editions.
Of the three indicators, in the Impact Rank indicator UI rose 36 ranks to 323 in the world. In the Excellence Rank indicator UI rose 50 ranks, being in position 1127 in the world. Then, on the Openness Rank indicator, UI is currently ranked 780th in the world. The visibility or web contents impact indicator (weighted 50%) assesses the number of external networks (subnets) connected to the institution’s web pages (normalized and then the maximum value is selected); the transparency or openness indicator (weighted 10%) is the number of citations from the top 210 authors sourced from Google Scholar Profiles, and the excellence or scholar indicator (weighted 40%) is the number of scientific publication articles among the top 10% most cited from 27 disciplines sourced from Scimago.
Since 2004, the Webometrics ranking has been conducted by Cybermetric Lab, a research group of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain’s largest public research body. Webometrics ranks 31,000 Higher Education Institutions in the world, from over 200 countries. The Webometrics ranking system aims to promote Web publications, support Open Access initiatives, support electronic access to scholarly publications, and other academic materials. The announcement of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities can be accessed on the page: