Universitas Indonesia (UI) held UI Open Days (UIOD) 2024 for two days on April 27-28, at Balairung and Balai Sidang UI. This year’s UI Open Days featured the theme “Empowering Your Journey: Unlocking Opportunities at Universitas Indonesia”. University Secretary, Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D, said that the Empowering Your Journey theme means ‘strengthening in the journey’. This means that UI seeks to provide encouragement in the journey of high school students to reach the future.
“We all want to give the best for the community, nation, and state. UI is one of the best universities in the country. Therefore, the theme Unlocking Opportunities at Universitas Indonesia means that we want to open the door so that everyone can get to know UI, including what programs are in it and how to become part of the UI,” said Dr. Agustin.
UIOD has a series of annual activities held to provide accurate information to prospective students and public about study programs, campus facilities, student activities, tuition fees, scholarships, and new student admission techniques at UI. At the 12th UIOD, information about programs was delivered by representatives from 14 faculties, 2 schools, and vocational education programs through presentation and question and answer sessions at the faculty booths.
UI also provided information about the International program (KI), which offers double degree and joint degree programs. Currently, UI has more than 450 study programs across all levels of education. Of the total, 32 study programs are KI Bachelor programs spread across eight faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Psychology (F.Psi), Faculty of Law (FH), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom), and Faculty of Dentistry (FKG).
One of the UIOD participants, Belvelicia from Santa Ursula BSD High School, is a prospective new UI student who was accepted into the Communication Science International program at FISIP UI through Talent Scouting 2024. She said she was happy to take part in the UIOD series because she got more detailed information about her further studies at UI. “I want to know what I need to prepare before entering university. Through UIOD, I got all the information about FISIP and the Communication Science KI program needed,” she said.
The Head of UI Public Relations and KIP Bureau, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si., who is the Chairperson of the UIOD 2024 Committee, said that organizing UIOD every year aims to provide a comprehensive overview to prospective students and the entire community about UI. She said that almost every year, the event is visited by more than 10,000 participants in two days.
“The visitors are very enthusiastic because this year UIOD not only provides information about UI, but also socialization related to new student admissions, motivational seminars from outstanding UI students, and success stories from UI alumni, Salwa Rafila, who is the Most Outstanding Student of the Vocational Education Program as well as the Favorite Miss Indonesian of Riau Islands. Hopefully this activity can inspire all participants to get to know UI better, so that they can choose the right study program according to interests,” Amelita said.