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UI Opens International Dentistry Education Class in Academic Year 2019/2020

UI added a new study program for International Class S1, namely Dentistry Education. The opening of this department increased the number of International Class study programs held by UI to 16 study programs.

Head of the UI New Student Admissions Office, Dr. Untung Yuwono explained, the International Class Program for Dentistry Education began to open in the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The study program will also be available on the chosen list of study programs in the selection of 2019 college entrance examinations.

For the time being, the available program is a single degree. In this program, UI collaborates with Newcastle University in the UK and Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam (ACTA) or also called the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

“The Double Degree will be held soon,” Untung added at a press conference at the UI, Depok, West Java Rectorate Building on Tuesday, January 8, 2019. UI itself has 122 study programs in four educational programs (Vocational, Regular S1, S1 International Class , and Parallel S1). In the past 2018, UI also added two new study programs, namely the Regular S1 Actuarial Science and the Regular S1 Biomedical Engineering.

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