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UI Promotes Legal Assistance: Bringing Science Closer to Social Reality

As part of the 2024 Universitas Indonesia (UI) Community Service and Empowerment Festival (PPM), Universitas Indonesia held a talk show titled “Pendampingan Hukum bagi Masyarakat” (Legal Assistance for the Community) on Wednesday, October 2, at the UI Library, UI Depok Campus. This activity presented two legal experts from the Faculty of Law UI, namely Dr. Wahyu Andrianto, S.H., M.H., and Dr. Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, S.H., M.Si., moderated by Savitri Nur Setyorini, S.H., M.H.

In the talk show, Dr. Wahyu Andrianto shared his experiences through 21 community service activities that have been carried out, both at the university and faculty levels. According to him, community service is an effective way to bring together legal knowledge with the real needs of the community. “We want to ground the knowledge that we already have and invite students to experience firsthand the problems that exist in society,” said Dr. Wahyu.

In the last five years, Dr. Wahyu has been actively conducting community service in various regions, such as Depok, Pamekasan, and the Seribu Islands. His activities include increasing the capacity of Sekolah Master Depok (Depok Master School) facilitators related to infectious disease outbreaks, advocacy for handling Covid-19 in Madura, and advocacy for policies related to handling stunting in the Seribu Islands.

He also hopes that the community service can be sustainable, with a focus on increasing the capacity of facilitators who act as mediators and negotiators in the community.

Dr. Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, who was also a speaker, highlighted the advocacy for the protection of children and women that she often does, especially during the pandemic. “One of the main challenges faced is the lack of public awareness of these issues,” said Dr. Inge.

She added that it is important for the community to understand their rights and have space to voice the problems they face, especially related to sexual violence and the protection of women.

The community service carried out by Dr. Inge over the past five years includes the formation of a network to combat cases of sexual violence, the making of SOPs for handling sexual violence in campus environments, and the development of gender-friendly indicators in regional regulations in West Papua and Central Kalimantan. Dr. Inge is also involved in efforts to address violence against women in Thailand, Malaysia, and Timor Leste. By holding this event, it is hoped that legal assistance and social advocacy provided by experts from UI can further expand the scope of legal advocacy in the community.

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