In order to support and facilitate the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Task Force on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS), Universitas Indonesia (UI) provided work space, meeting rooms, and supporting equipment at the Old Library Building, UI Depok Campus, on Wednesday (26/7). In November 2022, UI has demonstrated its commitment to supporting PPKS efforts through Rector’s Decree No. 2441/SK/R/UI/2022 concerning the Establishment of a Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence at Universitas Indonesia. The PPKS Task Force members were selected through a series of selections that have been carried out, including the “Public Test for Candidates for PPKS Task Force Members” which was held in October 2022.
In its practice, after receiving reports submitted to PPKS, the UI PPKS Task Force will conduct an inspection aimed at collecting information and documents related to the incoming reports. Examination is carried out on victims, witnesses, and/or the reported party, which is carried out in private. After the inspection, the PPKS UI Task Force will draw up conclusions and recommendations for treatment. Recommendations that have been prepared will be submitted to the Rector to be followed up immediately in the form of a Rector’s Decree. Then, the PPKS UI Task Force will monitor the implementation of the recommendations.
Furthermore, recovery will also be carried out with the consent of the victim, which includes medical treatment; physical therapy; psychological therapy; and social and spiritual guidance. In order to prevent repeated acts, those who have been proven to have committed sexual violence must attend a counseling program. The report on the results of the counseling program will become the basis for the Rector to issue a statement that the perpetrator has carried out the sanctions imposed.
Reports regarding acts of sexual violence on the UI campus can be reported via the page or via email