Head of the Academic Quality Assurance Agency (BPMA) of Universitas Indonesia (UI), Prof. Sri Hartati Dewi Reksodiputro, Ph.D., said that Universitas Indonesia obtained excellent accreditation after going through several processes. The predicate “Excellent Accreditation” is based on the Decree of the Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board No. 406/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/PT/VIII/2022 on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, valid until December 27, 2022.
“Thank God and Alhamdulillah, UI can obtain a Excellent accreditation rating. Previously, UI obtained A accreditation, and by filling out and submitting the Instrument of Conversion Supplement (ISK) to BAN-PT, it can obtain Excellent accreditation,” said Prof. Sri.
In 2017 UI was accredited “A” in accordance with BAN-PT Decree No. 5239/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2017. Then based on BAN-PT Regulation No. 2 of 2020 concerning Conversion Supplement Instruments and a commitment to improving academic quality assurance, UI applied for conversion from an accreditation rating of “A” to an accreditation rating of “Excellent.”
The conversion of the proposed accreditation rating is done by filling out the Accreditation of Higher Education (APT) 3.0 Conversion Supplement Instrument (ISK). ISK APT 3.0 is an additional accreditation instrument used for the conversion of university accreditation ratings obtained with 7 standard instruments (accreditation ratings A, B, C) into new accreditation ratings with 9 standard instruments (accreditation ratings Excellent, Superior, Good).
The accreditation conversion process at UI began with preparation and planning for the preparation of the Higher Education Institution Accreditation (AIPT) ISK in mid-2021. The ISK for universities consists of 8 assessment items, namely permanent university lecturers, non-permanent lecturers, Internal Quality Assurance System, Internal Quality Assurance System Cycle (SPMI), SN-DIKTI exceedance, quality assurance mechanism towards outcome based accreditation, study program accreditation, and scientific publications.
UI formed a drafting team based on the Rector Decree No. 2510/SK/R/UI/2021 and Rector Decree No. 170/SK/R/UI/2022 concerning the Formation and Appointment of the Working Team for the Compilation of Higher Education Accreditation Rating Conversion Supplement Instruments of Universitas Indonesia.
“UI is committed to continuously improving academic quality assurance by achieving excellent national accreditation ratings and international accreditation for study programs,” Prof. Sri said.