Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a comparative study visit from UIN Raden Intan Lampung which took place in Meeting Room A, 2nd Floor, University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus, on Thursday, September 12. The visit was warmly welcomed by the Director of Operations and Facilities Maintenance of Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Dwi Marta Nurjaya. S.T., M.T.
In his presentation, Dr. Nurjaya said that UI is synergizing with various internal and external stakeholders in achieving significant progress as a driver towards a sustainable campus in the fields of education and green campus. “UI through GreenMetric as a world university ranking institution based on a commitment to environmental management, is actively spreading its enthusiasm to all universities,” said Nurjaya.
The Rector of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Prof. H. Wan Jamaluddin S., M.Ag., Ph.D., said that he was very pleased that UIN Raden Intan Lampung could be part of UI GreenMetric. This participation is a manifestation of continuing to improve the quality of the campus environment. “We hope to learn directly from the best practices that UI has implemented so far in terms of waste management, green open spaces, water, and environmentally friendly transportation.”
Currently, UI is focusing on efforts to manage aquatic ecosystems in the process of supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 14, namely Marine Ecosystems, through water conservation efforts. UI consistently processes liquid waste, utilizes water harvesting (use of rainwater), and provides drinking fountains that can be used to refill drinking water.
Supporting this step, sustainable efforts are also being carried out, such as energy savings by implementing efficiency-based strategies in each facility. Then, forest conservation, namely the maintenance of the West Wales Zone and East Wales Zone which have various tree vegetation as water catchment areas for Depok City. Furthermore, the development of New Renewable Energy which is spread across several locations in the UI area, as well as strengthening transportation integration through collaboration between UI and Transjakarta to present electric vehicle-based buses that will support the mobility of campus residents.
In the discussion, both parties discussed efforts to continue to maintain and preserve the existence of beautiful and sustainable nature so that the community and students are comfortable while on campus. Other series of activities during this visit were visiting the Green Building i-CELL Faculty of Engineering (FT), Green Building Pusgiwa, and the Water Absorption Area of UI City Forest.
Also present from UI in the comparative study were the Head of Public Relations and KIP Bureau, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si., and the Head of Sub-Directorate of Facility Design & Maintenance, Budi Maulana S.T. and staff. Accompanying the Rector of UIN Raden Intan Lampung were, among others, the Vice Rector II, Dr. Safari, S.Ag., M.Sos.I; Head of AUPK Bureau, Dr. Drs. H. Juanda Naim, M.H; Head of AUPK Bureau, Dr. H. Abdul Rahman, M.Pd; Coordinator of Planning and Finance, Ahmad Faisol Ansori, S.E., M.S Ak; Head of Planning and Finance Sub-Division, Mairizal Salehudin Siatan, S.E., MM; Head of Administration and General Affairs, Ahmad Zulbilal, S.E., M.M; Head of BMN Sub-Division, Tajudin Nur, S.Sos.l., M.Sos; Head of TPKBBL, Suci Wulan Pawhestri, M.Si, and Secretary of TPKBBL, Ika Listiana, M.Si.