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UI Receives Visit from Diponegoro University, Discusses Protocol in Higher Education

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Bureau of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure (KIP), received a visit from Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) on November 19, at the SIPP building, UI campus, Depok. This visit aims to strengthen cooperation between universities in managing public information and institutional communication strategies. The comparative study took place at the PPMT Building, Depok Campus, with a warm atmosphere and is full of collaborative spirit.

The UNDIP delegation led by the UNDIP Administration and Protocol Manager, Anggi Andyaningsih S.Hum, and staff were warmly welcomed by the Head of the UI Public Relations and KIP Bureau, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si., In her remarks, Dra. Amelita said, “Through this comparative study, we hope to learn from each other about effective public information management strategies and public relations innovations in the university environment. Synergy like this is important to increase transparency, strengthen university branding, and provide the best information services to the public.”

The visit agenda began with a presentation on the public relations management system and information disclosure at UI. In addition, social media management, relations with the mass media, and the implementation of protocol standards in the UI environment were also presented. The UI Public Relations and KIP Bureau Team explained the order of events, handling of guests of honor, and technical arrangements for open sessions such as Dies Natalis, Graduation, Inauguration of Professors, Doctoral Promotion, Adjunct Professor, and Honoris Causa. The implementation of the event was developed based on the principles of professionalism, respect for guests, and conveying a positive image of the university to the wider community. The presentation continued with guidelines for regulations applied in the UI Public Relations and KIP Bureau, including institutional communication policies, public information disclosure, and data management according to government regulations. In addition to receiving theoretical exposure, in this comparative study activity, UNDIP was also invited to directly observe the implementation of the UI Professor Inauguration Dress Rehearsal which took place at the Balai Sidang UI building. Interactive discussions were also an important part of this visit, especially in discussing the order of events and official protocols for ceremonial activities such as the inauguration of Professors, and management of protocols for the presence of important guests, including government officials, international academic partners, and community leaders. Emphasis is placed on solid coordination between committees and the accuracy of schedules so that each event runs according to plan.

This visit is expected to be the beginning of a closer collaboration between Universitas Diponegoro and Universitas Indonesia in the field of communication and information transparency. With the spirit of sharing knowledge and experience, both institutions are optimistic that they can jointly encourage the improvement of transparent and accountable public information services in universities.

During this visit, accompanying the Head of the Public Relations and KIP Bureau were, among others, the Head of Partnership Relations and Hospitality, Finda Salsabila., MA .; Event and Protocol Manager, Rengga Satrio Wibisono., M.Ikom, and the UI Ceremony Management team, namely Kumaeroh., Suhadi, and Supriyono. The Undip delegation included the Supervisor of the Rector’s Secretariat and Protocol, Lutfiana Ilma Annisa; Data Processor, Margiyono; Undip Protocol Officers, among others, Muhammad Imaduddin, Aldira Dinda Hermawan, Sari Retnowati, and Dhiajeng Cintyaminastiti.

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