Universitas Indonesia (UI) will hold the Graduation Ceremony for the Even Semester Academic Year 2023/2024 on Saturday-Sunday, August 24-25, 2024, at Balairung, UI Depok Campus. Different from previous years, this graduation is divided into four sessions, namely Saturday morning (09.00 – 11.00 WIB); Saturday afternoon (14.30 – 15.30WIB); Sunday morning (09.00 – 11.00 WIB); and Sunday afternoon (14.30 – 15.30WIB).
UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., in his speech today said that the total number of graduates from the Vocational to Doctoral education program levels is 9,074 people. They consist of 619 diploma program graduates, 4,730 undergraduate program graduates, 511 professional graduates, 385 specialist 1 graduates, 2,532 master’s graduates, 86 specialist 2 graduates, and 211 doctoral graduates.
“This year, many achievements have been made by the academic community of Universitas Indonesia, at the national and global levels. Universitas Indonesia continues to be committed to becoming an innovative, independent, inclusive, dignified, and superior higher education institution at the Southeast Asian level and respected in the world. The results of this hard work are proven through appreciation from the QS World University Ranking. This year, UI is ranked 206th in the world, a rapid increase from last year’s ranking of 237th. UI has also been able to maintain its position 1 in Indonesia according to THE Asia University Rankings 2024,” he said.
In addition, UI received the Top Government Public Relations (GPR) Award 2024 for the category of Best State University (PTN) in terms of Digital Management of Public Communication. “Another achievement that we have achieved is two awards from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek), namely the Best 2 Budget Performance Value (NKA) and the Best 3 Implementation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) 2023 for the Category of State Universities as Legal Entities (PTN-BH),” said Prof. Ari.
UI has human resources who dedicate their work and competence to the nation and state. Some of them are the best graduates from undergraduate to doctoral levels who graduated today. Those who come from the science and technology (saintek) group include Denny Setiawan, Gusaimas Matahachiro Hanggoro Himawan Akbar, Tubagus Naufal Dzaki, Agastya Nugraha Putra, Edy Wijanarko, Daffa Dewa Saputra, Eileen Onggaria, Firman Santya Budi, Hairiza, Karla Karmala, Al Ansori, Daniel Sanjaya Sombe, Himawan Kunto Dewoto Aji, Nita Anggreani, Marlita Elisa, Armelia Ramandha, Jeremy Filbert Baskoro, Bramasta Putra Redyantanu, Taufik Aditiyawarman, and Achmad Nandang Roziafanto from the Faculty of Engineering (FT).
Furthermore, from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) consists of Jesaya Christian Ido Raja Situmeang, Faiz Ainur Razi, Zeveliano Zidane Barack, Muhamad Yasin Yunus Bin Imam Cholil, Muhammad Ridwan, and Rezky Munazat.
Meanwhile, the best graduates from the health sciences group are Stefanny Cong, Harvika Millenia Latief, Yoana Priska, Suripto, Vincent Chrisnata, Raja Al Fath Widya Iswara, Jessica Fiolin, and Nining Handayani from the Faculty of Medicine (FK). Meanwhile, from the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), they are Casey Areta Padmasari, Hania Azzahra Dewanto, Roben Suhadi Pasaribu, Johan Adiyasa, Nadhia Anindhita Harsas, Iffi Aprillia, and Tri Putriany Agustin. Then, from the Faculty of Nursing, they are Tasya Fakhirah, Lily Pangestuti, Nurhalimah, Atie Umnia Najikh, and Rita Hadi Widyastuti.
As for the social sciences and humanities, among others are Stephanie Lidya Nashirah Suprapto, Anandhika Maheswara, Anwar Basil Arifin, and Virna Emily Tobing from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). Then, Justin Gabriel Wibisono, Amanda Vania Damayanti, Putu George Matthew Simbolon, and Ahmad Porwo Edi Atmaja from the Faculty of Law (FH). Then from the postgraduate school, namely Graciella Stevani Gulo and Tri Ligayanti from the School of Environmental Sciences (SIL); Dedek Ervina, Sabrina Nur Raudha, and Arista Sony from the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG).
In the middle of the series of events, a symbolic handover of the Universitas Indonesia Endowment Fund Collection Program was carried out. This fund is a contribution from graduates as new alumni to UI worth Rp 2,850,500,000. The fund was obtained through the allocation of graduation fees paid by each graduate. This fund will be used for efforts to advance the UI alma mater including providing scholarships.
In today’s graduation procession, the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. (HC) Drs. A. Halim Iskandar, M.Pd., as the parent of Zuvar Faza Halim, a graduate from FKUI, was present. “I always tell my son that a doctor’s job is hard and 90% of it is devotion. Therefore, intend everything for the best devotion. Doctors are still very much needed in Indonesia, so in order to improve our human resources in the future, devote all your power and energy to serve the nation and state,” said Halim. He advised the other graduates that, “Whatever background and knowledge you have, be as sincere and as maximal as possible to do the best devotion for our nation and state,” said Halim.
Among the invited guests who attended the graduation were Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI for the 2019–2024 period, Dr. H. Jazilul Fawaid, SQ, MA.; CEO of PT Telkom Tbk., Ririek Andriansyah; Director of SME and Retail Funding Bank BTN, Muhammad Iqbal; President Director of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero), Donny Arsal.
At the end of his speech, the UI Rector advised, “Be a source of pride for UI, because your scientific contributions are out there, become a model for future students, and the best ambassadors of UI thanks to innovative works that are able to answer the problems of many people.”