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UI Service Team Launches Android Application to Prevent the Spread of TB in NTB

Tuberculosis (TB) is currently a priority treatment target for the Indonesian government after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. Based on the 2022 Global TB Report released by the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia is the country with the second highest TB burden in the world after India with an estimated 969,000 cases. West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province is one of the contributors to quite a lot of TB cases, reaching 20,830 cases in 2022.

In order to reduce the rate of spread of TB in NTB, the Community Service Team of the Faculty of Nursing (FIK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a digital outreach, empowerment and literacy program entitled “Increasing Knowledge and the Role of Cadres in Carrying Out Initial Tuberculosis Screening Using Android-Based Technology TENDANGAN SI CATUR (Tekan Kasus dengan Sistem Informasi Cegah Tuberkulosis–Suppress Cases with the Information System to Prevent Tuberculosis)”. The community service (pengmas) activity was held on 7th-8th of August 2023 in the Mataram City Health Center Hall, NTB.

The service team is chaired by Ns. Rizky Rachmatullah, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom with Dr. Astuti Yuni Nursasih, S.Kp., MN as field assistant lecturer, and NS. Indah Permata Sari, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom; Ns. Utami Rachmawati, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom; Ns. Wiwik Handayani, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom; Ns. Syifa Kusuma Hanindita, S.Kep, and Ns. Maria Ulfa, S.Kep. as the members.

On this occasion, the service team launched an innovative Android-based application, “TENDANGAN SI CATUR”, which is designed to facilitate access to accurate information about TB, starting from symptoms, spread, prevention, to steps that must be taken if someone suspects themselves or someone else infected with the disease. In addition, “TENDANGAN SI CATUR” is equipped with TB consultation and initial screening features integrated in one application.

The Mataram City Health Service and Community Health Center are committed to protecting the public, especially TB patients in NTB, by using the TENDANGAN SI CATUR application. “We really appreciate the program organized by FIK UI. Moreover, this program realizes our hopes in using digital technology in the form of an Android-based application for early TB screening. We hope that the stigma related to TB that is circulating in society does not spread, and people can carry out health screening independently,” said the representative of the Mataram City Health Service and Community Health Center, Chairul Sohib, SKM.

Meanwhile,N. Lina Yusiani., S.Kep. as the person in charge of TB at the Mataram Community Health Center said, “The application created by the Universitas Indonesia Community Service Team is simple to use, making initial screening activities easier. Patients only need to bring an Android cellphone without needing to prepare other files.”

Apart from launching the application, the service team also provided interesting counseling and workshops about TB to 20 Mataram Community Health Center cadres who have an important role in maintaining public health. One of the materials was techniques for communicating effectively with the public to prevent the stigma that develops regarding TB disease. The counseling, which was filled with interactions and questions from the cadres, was presented by Ns. Wiwik Handayani., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.K as member of the service team.

One of the workshop participants who is a Mataram Community Health Center cadre, Eka, said he was very happy to take part in the counseling and workshop which, for the first time, took the theme of digital technology for cadres and health workers. He hoped that activities like this will continue to be carried out in the future on an ongoing basis to increase the knowledge of Mataram Community Health Center cadres.

FIK UI Nursing Study Program Lecturer, Dr. Astuti Yuni Nursasi, S.Kp., M.N, conveyed the deep impression gained while carrying out this community service activity. “I am amazed and touched by the dedication and commitment of the cadres to carry out their role in tracking TB cases and assisting TB patients. I hope that the Mataram Community Health Center’s “Empowered Cadres Erase TB” will always be happy, healthy, filled with blessings, and will be more solid in carrying out End TB efforts ,” said Yuni.

FIK UI always supports the development of applications that encourage increased health literacy with information that is accurate, easy to use, and accessible to various levels of society. In addition, collaboration with local authorities and health service providers can also help achieve better TB education and prevention goals.

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