Universitas Indonesia (UI) participated in The 13th Indonesia-France Joint Working Group (JWG) on Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship which lasted for three days, July 2 to 4, 2024, at the State University of Surabaya (Unesa). With the theme, “Fostering Indonesia-French Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Partnerships for an Advanced and Sustainable Future,” this event was attended by 60 participants from universities and 25 polytechnics in Indonesia, as well as 37 universities, schools, and museums from France.
In the thematic discussion with the theme of green economy, blue economy, health and medical equipment, a Professor of Universitas Indonesia in the field of Child Health of the Faculty of Medical Science (FK) UI, Prof. Dr. dr. Pramita Gayatri, Sp.A(K), explained how green and blue economy, focusing on sustainable use of natural resources, can improve human welfare, decrease environmental risks, and create new eco-friendly job opportunities. “The health sector faces the challenge of inequality of access and disease burden, but technological innovation, such as telemedicine, offers big opportunities to improve health services. Medical equipment keeps improving with advanced technology, which delivers efficiency and accuracy in diagnosis and care, even though the challenge of cost and regulation persists,” she said.
Furthermore, Prof. Paramita conveyed, “At the moment, we are faced with problems which can only be dealt with through multisector teamwork, both nationally and internationally. Collaborations in the fields of research, innovation, technology, and culture are expected to continue to improve in finding the best solution for human welfare, while maintaining environmental sustainability.”
At the exhibition session, UI, represented by the teaching staff of the Department of Clinical Microbiology FKUI, Dra. Beti Ernawati Dewi, Ph.D., showcased health and medical equipment innovation products. Some of them are the KODC Dengue (Dengue Rapid Detection Tool), Virna Glaucoma Implant, Mini Kraniomaximal Implant, Grin Plasmafan, Neo Microcapillary Digital, Degasser Tablet (Degastab), Sambiloto Extract, and Flocked Swab Hope and Solution for COVID-19 (HS19).
KODC Dengue is an innovation by the FKUI research team chaired by Dra. Beti Ernawati Dewi, Ph.D. KODC Dengue uses lateral flow immunoassay technology with nitrocellulose membrane, colored nanoparticles (or label), and anti-NS1 dengue antibody to obtain examination results. First of all, specimens are inserted into the sample well; the gold antibody conjugate then binds to the Dengue antigen in the specimen and then binds to the Anti-NS1 dengue antibody that has been coated on the membrane. The rapid detection of KODC was developed to speed up the detection of dengue infection, which often happens in Indonesia, a country where dengue hemorrhagic fever is endemic. This kit was specifically designed for the Indonesian strain of dengue virus and does not cross-react with other diseases such as Hepatitis B and typhus.
The most important series of events at the JWG 2024 is the plenary session which facilitates the exchange of ideas and priorities of the two countries. In this case, Indonesia, represented by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Ir. Suharti, M.A. Ph.D., brought up the issue of the Indonesia-France higher education partnership and discussions in the field of research, science, and innovation between the two countries. This high-level meeting formulates a partnership plan between Indonesia and France in the future. This is in line with the aim of JWG 2024 which is to strengthen and improve Indonesia-France partnership in the field of innovation, research, and higher education.
The Director of Science Techno Park Innovation (DISTP) UI, Dr. Ahmad Gamal stated, “Universitas Indonesia endeavors to produce impactful innovation, both commercially and socially. Innovation in the health field is one of UI’s strengths, many of whose products have been downstreamed through collaboration with the domestic medical equipment industry. UI also attempts to produce innovation to answer future challenges. That is why we invest in laboratory development and medical equipment teaching factories, which can help product research and development in the field of electromedicine, bone and teeth implants, stem cells, and various medicinal, herbal, supplement, and vaccinal products,” said Dr. Ahmad.