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UI Socialized IISMA Co-Funding Program 2024, Number of Awardees Doubled

Registration for the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Co-Funding 2024 Program opens in the first week of April. Students who pass the selection will be announced in the first week of May, and departure is around June to August 2024. This information was conveyed by the Head of the IISMA 2024 Program, Dr. Eng. Ir. R. Rachmat Sriwijaya, S.T., M.T., and IISMA 2024 General and Administration Manager, Andi Rahadiyan Wijaya, Ph.D., at the webinar “Socialization of the IISMA Co-Funding 2024 Program” held by the Center of Independent Learning (CIL) Universitas Indonesia (UI), last Tuesday (2/4).

The IISMA Co-Funding program will last five months, from August 2024 to January 2025. This year, there are more than 44 undergraduate-level destination campuses spread across the United States, England, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and other regions. Meanwhile, for the vocational program, there are 29 destination campuses spread across several countries. The quota per campus for the IISMA Co-Funding program is at 10 to 20 students.

Head of CIL UI, F. Astha Ekadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., said that UI fully supports the Program IISMA Co-Funding which is run by the government. “UI really supports student participation in learning activities, including the IISMA Program. We hope that the younger generation will
gain global experience and the opportunity to study abroad through IISMA,” said Astha.

IISMA Co-Funding is a joint funding program between the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and universities in Indonesia to support students participating in international mobility programs. The program aims to increase Indonesian students’ understanding of international academic and cultural diversity and strengthen Indonesian student networks at the global level. This program allows Indonesian students to study at foreign universities for one semester.

According to Dr. Rachmat, the total number of applicants for the 2024 IISMA Program reached 10,363 participants: 8,381 undergraduate program students and 1,982 from vocational programs. Only 2,277 students passed the interview stage. All participants pass through three routes: Regular, Affirmation, and Co-Funding. “The difference is only a technical problem, but the continuity of the program will remain the same. There is no status difference between them,” he said.

Andi explained that the co-funding and regular routes only differ in funding schemes and the list of partner universities. Regarding registration conditions, departure date and duration of program implementation remain the same. Students who register for the IISMA co-funding Program must experience a very strict selection process. The number of recipients from this route has doubled from last year, so students’ opportunities to take part in this program are even greater. This year, the opportunity for students from the IISMA co-funding was increased to a minimum of 750 awardees.

Therefore, Andi advised all students to use this opportunity as best as possible. He hopes that students will not only study abroad but also build networks. “The key to success in the future is networking, both nationally and internationally. Don’t look at it in terms of costs, but think of it as an investment for future connections,” he said.

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