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UI Student, Indira Zahidah, Chosen as the Best Delegate in the Paris International Model United Nation


Indira Zahidah, a 2023 Fiscal Administration student of the Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of Universitas Indonesia (UI), was chosen as the Best Delegate in the Paris International Model United Nations (PIMUN) event. This event is a United Nations (UN) meeting simulation platform held in Paris, France, from May 31 to June 4, 2024). Indira stood above 16 other contestants worldwide, including France, the United States of America, and Poland.

Indira participated in the Economy and Social Council (ECOSOC) with the topic, “Reviewing the Obligations of States and Private Sector Entities in Sourcing Commodities.” She highlighted the importance of cooperation between the nations and private sectors in ensuring economic continuity and natural resource management. This topic explores various aspects, ranging from the exploitation of natural resources to the issue of child labor and the role of nations and private sectors in producing commodities.

Discussed in the meeting was the role of nations as a policy maker and the role of private sectors as a policy obeyer. “We have to work together to decide which policies to implement. In this meeting, three vital aspects will ultimately be taken into consideration in order to make a resolution, which includes sustainable sourcing, labor rights, and funding,” said Indira. 

She added that the passing resolution resulted in a solution containing sustainable use of excise and earmarking. “The delegation for other nations had other solutions, however, we were able to disprove their arguments and found loopholes in their proposed solutions. That made me the Best Delegate,” she said.

In this event, the assessment indicators include oratory skills, negotiation, policy formulation, and consistency with the position they hold in the nation they represent. According to Indira, in the context involving the delegation of multiple nations, the biggest challenge lies in balancing diplomacy and maintaining national interest.

As part of the preparation, Indira, along with her partners from the UI MUN Club, displayed an incredible show of commitment by undertaking thorough research related to the topic of discussion and the nation they represented. She revealed that the success reached was not determined by just individual skill, but also due to their solid teamwork and the institution’s backing. “This achievement is a product of our hard work and commitment, as well as the endless support of teammates and the Administrative Science Faculty,” she said.

The Dean of the Administrative Science Faculty UI, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si., MM., stated how Indira Zahidah’s achievement as the Best Delegate in PIMUN is not just for her, but also for the faculty and the campus. “May this inspire other students to strive to excel and contribute internationally,” he said.

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