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UI Students Offers a High Quality Concrete

ftUI students successfully got another achievement. This time’s achievement was Achalesvara Team from Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Indonesia who successfully created a high quality concrete innovation which is economical and can be used massively.

Team that were consists of  Ingrid Rosalyn Indriana, Erinda Pandu Purnamasari, and Elia Benny Virginia offered a high quality concrete innovation that use 12% (of cementitious) Fly Ash and 8% (of cementitious) Silica Fume on their concrete mixture. Based on pressure testing result, Achalesvara Team’s concrete showed 68 MPa on a 28 days concrete. Beside the good result on pressure testing, this concrete also had a good economical value that could save 15% of the regular price of ready-mix concrete.

Under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Elly Tjahjono, DEA, this innovation successfully brought Achalesvara Team to the first place on Concrete Scientific Work Competition of Civil Engineering Trisakti in Action (C.E.T.A) 2015.  The team successfully led the competition than any other universities that was participated. Before this, Muhammad Haikal Syarief, Baiti Rahma Maudina, and Annisa Salsabila that were working as Alkalina Team of UI successfully got the third place on the same competition with their innovation of recycled concrete from garbage of glass bottle and concrete waste.

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