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UI Students Win Runner Up at Geshiedenist Fest 2024

Two students from Universitas Indonesia (UI) in the History Study Program, Faculty of Humanities (FIB), namely Dika Prasetyo Wardana and Titania Anwar, won the Runner Up position in the national scientific paper competition Geshiedenist Fest 2024. This achievement was achieved thanks to the study titled “Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam Tuntang sebagai Peluang Transisi Energi di Vorstenlanden pada Awal Abad 20” (Utilization of Tuntang Natural Resources as an Opportunity for Energy Transition in Vorstenlanden in the Early 20th Century), which examines environmental history as an interdisciplinary perspective in understanding natural resource management.

According to Dika, this study is relevant to the Indonesian government’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to face global uncertainty and the climate crisis. This is because the study reveals the efforts of the Dutch colonial government in managing natural resources in the Tuntang River, Central Java. “The management of natural resources during the colonial period can be an inspiration for the management of renewable energy today. We hope that the results of this study will contribute to sustainable development efforts in Indonesia,” he said.

In this study, historical methods that include heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography stages were used by utilizing primary sources, such as contemporary newspapers, photo documentation, maps from the early 20th century, and current statistical data from various official websites. The results of the study found that the construction of the Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in Jelok by the Algemeene Nederlandsch Indische Electriciteits-Maatschappij (ANIEM) was carried out in 1938. This PLTA played an important role in increasing the capacity of the electricity supply in the Surakarta to Mangkunegaran area, and had an impact on urban modernization in Vorstenlanden.

“The presence of the Tuntang PLTA not only affects the availability of more stable electricity for industrial needs, street lighting, and public facilities, but also has an impact on changes in the natural ecosystem, especially around Lake Rawa Pening. In addition, the use of Waterkracht Tuntang as renewable energy is an alternative to reduce “Gas Kota” (City Gas) emissions from coal-fired heating,” said Dika during a presentation at the Ki Hajar Dewantara Hall, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, last August.

Thanks to these findings, Dika and Titania won the Runner Up position for the National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN) category for Students. This research was inseparable from the guidance of a Lecturer at the Department of History, FIB UI, Yudi Bachrioktora, M.A. According to him, their victory in this competition shows the great potential of UI students in understanding environmental issues and sustainable development. “Hopefully this achievement can motivate other students to continue to work and innovate in the field of science,” he said.

Geshiedenist Fest is an annual competition held by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang. This competition is a forum for students to express innovative ideas and concepts in the context of history and their role in contemporary issues. This year, Geshiedenist Fest carries the theme “Melalui Eksplorasi Sejarah: Memperluas Pengetahuan dan Membangun Persatuan Berkelanjutan dalam Mewujudkan Peningkatan Intelektualitas Penerus Bangsa” (Through Historical Exploration: Expanding Knowledge and Building Sustainable Unity in Realizing the Intellectual Enhancement of the Nation’s Successors) to increase the insight of the younger generation regarding the relationship between history and sustainability issues.

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