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UI Vocational Program Promotes Sustainable Development and Technology Innovation through ICVEAST

Depok, July 25th 2023. The Vocational Education Program at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) is once again holding an international conference entitled The 6th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST) 2023, on 25th-26th of July 2023 at the Alila Hotel Solo, Surakarta. This international conference was attended by several countries from five continents, namely Indonesia, Australia, England, Malaysia, United States of America, Netherlands, Thailand and South Africa.

In his opening speech, UI Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, said, “This conference will explore a variety of topics, from modernizing the vocational education curriculum to encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting the excellence of vocational training. Together, we will study a new paradigm of blended learning, work-based training, and skills improvement to take advantage of the true potential of Vocational 5.0,” said Prof. Haris.

The event with the theme “Virtuosity Collaboration for Sustainability Development and Innovative Technologies Goals 5.0 (Vocational 5.0)” is different from the previous events. This year, ICVEAST opens opportunities for academics and students to take part in international conferences through scientific articles and scientific posters. Various academics also attended as keynote speakers at the event, including Associate Professor Fuminari Kaneko from Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan); Dr. Laurens Rook from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands); Adjunct Associate Professor Dr. Eunice R.S. from the University of New South Wales (Australia); Associate Professor Rose Amnah Abd. Rauf from the University of Malaya (Malaysia); and Dr. Diaz Pranita, M.M., from Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia).

This international conference began with a business talk opened by Sri Paduka Mangkoenagoro X Mangkunegaran Surakarta, Bhre Cakrahutomo Wira Sudjiwo, S.H.. This activity presented several practitioners, namely the President Director of the State Film Production Corporation (PFN) Dr. Ir. Dwi Heriyanto B., M.T.; CEO and Founder of Shinta W. Dhanuwardoyo; Head of Ecosystem PIDI 4.0 Indonesian Ministry of Industry Mareta Pratiwi; and Director of the UI Vocational Education Program Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D,.

Padang said that ICVEAST aims to become an international forum to discuss the latest developments and challenges in current and future vocational education from various perspectives, including academics, students, and industry. “This conference is designed as a space for knowledge sharing as well as to discuss the challenges faced by education and manufacturing in preparing human capabilities to switch to the automation trend and the role of technology in it. Applied research in the fields of administration and business, health, social humanities, and engineering is expected to be the key for Indonesia in facing various challenges towards the 5.0 era,” said Padang.

Chairman of ICVEAST 2023 Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom., stated that the international conference was an event for academics and students to participate in collaborative efforts to promote sustainable development and innovative technology. “Vocational 5.0 is expected to encourage collaboration between stakeholders, create platforms for sharing knowledge, and promote the use of technology to drive social, economic and environmental progress,” said Rangga.

The success of holding The 6th ICVEAST could not have been separated from the support of the Co-Host Universities, including the Telkom University Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Diponegoro University Vocational School; Proceedings Publisher Atlantis Press; Media Partner SEA Today and SoloPos Media Group; as well as several sponsors, namely Bank Tabungan Negara, and PT Bintang Samudra Mandiri Lines.

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