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UI Vocational Wins National Scientific Essay Champion with Infinity Art Space Platform

Kevin Exaudi Siregar and Filicia Fiona, students of the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) won second place in a national scientific essay competition. Through “Infinity Art Space: A Platform-Based Creative Industry to Support the Existence of Indonesian Street Artists as Constituents in Accelerating Post-pandemic Economic Recovery”, they competed with approximately 100 participants.

According to Kevin, Infinity Art Space is a platform to accommodate street artists in Indonesia, who during the Covid-19 pandemic found it difficult to introduce or sell their artworks. The competition is held annually by Universitas Nusantara Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Kediri, and this year’s theme is “Realizing a Highly Competitive Young Generation by Integrating Intellectuals to Achieve Suitanable Development Goals”.

“We believe that every artwork from Indonesian street artists has a high value, both in terms of quality and financial value. With the Infinity Art Space platform, street artists can now slowly recover their internal financial condition, as information technology can be utilized to introduce and sell their artworks,” said Kevin.

The Infinity Art Space platform will continue to innovate – both on the platform and the work program – offered to Indonesian street artists. The innovation was done in collaboration between the platform founder, street artists, and the community.

By utilizing the platform’s feedback and suggestion features, it is expected that market analysis will be easily done by artists. Thus, their promotional strategy will be effective.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, DEA, Director of the UI Vocational Education Program explained that UI Vocational’s full support is always given to every student who dares to work and compete to create new innovations in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and is not limited to their field of study.

“By participating in competitions like this, I hope this can spur students to think critically about the real problems of the nation today in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic by creating an innovation based on sustainable information technology,” said Sigit.

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