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UI Welcomes Newcastle University, Ready to Realize Inter-Campus Collaboration

Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Newcastle University, UK, on Friday (21/6) at the UI Campus in Depok, West Java. The two universities have been cooperating since 2019, and this visit aims to renew the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). UI University Secretary Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Newcastle University Vice Chancellor and President Prof. Chris Day signed the MOU in the presence of approximately 25 witnesses from both parties.

During the meeting, Dr. Agustin enthusiastically welcomed the Newcastle University delegation. She hoped that the collaboration would be able to open other opportunities for cooperation and have a positive impact on both parties. Meanwhile, Prof. Chris Day said that Newcastle University currently has two campuses -in Singapore and Malaysia-, so he hopes it will facilitate and expand cooperation with universities in Southeast Asia.

Based on data from the UI Office of International Affairs (KUI), by 2023 there will be 28 UI students studying at Newcastle University, 10 Newcastle University lecturers as guest lecturers at UI, and 11 UI lecturers who are also guest lecturers at Newcastle University. Thus, the renewal of the MoU between the two is a must in order to facilitate future agreements and create significant collaboration.

On the same occasion, Head of KUI at the UI Faculty of Engineering (FT), Fadhilah Muslim, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC, said there are three undergraduate study programs planned to be involved in the double degree program with Newcastle University, namely Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. As for the master’s level, namely Energy Systems Engineering.

Similar to FTUI, the Manager of Cooperation, Ventures, and Alumni Relations of the UI Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), drg. Nieka Adhara Wahono, SpKGA (K-KKA), Ph.D., who is also an alumnus of Newcastle University, proposed cooperation in clinical science as a follow-up to the cooperation in basic science agreed in 2019. Currently, FKG UI will hold a summer school with two applicants from Newcastle University.

Responding to this, Director for ASEAN Strategic Development and Implementation Newcastle University, Jo Geary expressed interest in collaborating in organizing a summer school by focusing on skill development, digitalization, and artificial intelligence (AI). In addition, Associate Dean of Global for Newcastle University Business School, Prof. Gabriele Vosseberg suggested global internship as one form of cooperation between UI and Newcastle University.

In addition to global internship, Newcastle University also wants to establish cooperation in realizing net zero emission. Provost and Group Chief Executive Officer (ASEAN), Prof. Dennis Wong said that UI Green Metric, which is a UI innovation, is a signpost in maintaining the campus environment. For this reason, Prof. Dennis believes that cooperation with UI will be a step forward in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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