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UI Welcomes UNY’s Visit to Study Environmentally Friendly Sustainable Energy

Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a comparative study visit from Yogyakarta State University (UNY) regarding the realization of program and management plan for the UI Campus that environmentally friendly and sustainable. UI’s work as an environmentally friendly campus has attracted UNY to exchange insights and learn about innovations that support energy-efficient and environmentally friendly campus activities to be further applied by UNY in its campus environment.

Located in the Ruang Apung of the UI Library, on Wednesday (18/5), this event was attended by the Director of Operations for Maintenance of UI Facilities, Dr. Dwi Marta Nurjaya, S.T., M.T.; Head of Sub-Directorate for Strategic Project Cooperation, Aswin Dewanto Hadisumarto, S.E., M.I.A.; UNY World Class University (WCU) Team Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Bruri Triyono; as well as representatives from the Transformation, Risk Management, and Monitoring Evaluation (TREM) UI; Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (K3L) UI; and UI Greenmetrics.

To support an environmentally friendly campus system, UI Greenmetric was officially established in 2010. UI Greenmetric is an innovation that is widely known internationally as the world’s first university ranking based on a high commitment to environmental management. The UI Greenmetric assessment is based on three pillars, which are environmental, economic, and social. The weight of the assessment indicators consists of campus conditions and infrastructure (15%), energy and climate change (21%), waste management (18%), water use (10%), transportation (18%), and education and research (18% ).

During the UNY visit, Dr. Jaya explained the important parts of UI that became a means of innovation in the use of environmentally friendly sustainable energy. One of them is the first bifacial floating solar power plant (PLTS) system in Indonesia. Inaugurated by the Tropical Renewable Energy Center (TREC) of the UI Faculty of Engineering in 2020, the Bifacial PLTS located on Mahoni Lake, UI Depok Campus, has 36 bifacial solar panels that can generate 10,000-13,000 Watt Peak electricity.

In addition, buildings at UI—if they consist of less than 8 floors—must use renewable energy, have guidelines for saving electricity and water, and implement a smart-building system. “In the past, water infiltration sources were diverted directly to 6 artificial lakes in UI, namely Lake K-A-M-P-U-S (Yannga, Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam). Currently, every faculty, school, and vocational program are required to create a sewage treatment system before the water that is separated from the dirty waste and meets the waste water standards is channeled into water infiltration sources,” said Dr. Jaya explained.

The application of an environmentally friendly sustainable energy system can also be seen from the substations or (electrical) transformers in each faculty. This is used to avoid simultaneous power outages in many faculties. UI already has 13 substations, the number of which is almost the same as the number of faculties at UI. The use of this substation is in accordance with the permission of the State Electricity Company (PLN).

The discussion then continued with a campus tour session to several places in UI that implemented the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy. Some of them are the i-CELL Building, the Student Activity Center Building, and the UI Library Building which has management of lake water resources and solar power. The i-CELL building is a new building in FT UI that functions as a laboratory and workshop place. This building has a permit pocket with a smart and environmentally friendly system, namely the Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE) Green Building Certification System.


Writer: Vinny Shoffa| Editor: Sasa

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