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UI will hold International Conference ” “Boosting Indonesia’s Role in G20 Presidency 2022”, discussion Indonesia’s strategic role

As one of the partener universities that is appointed by the Indonesian government in G20, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has a big responsibility to enhance Indonesia’s role in leading the discussion of the strategic issues in three priorities field at KTT G20 2022, which are global health architechture, economic transformation based on digitalisation, and energy transition. As a concrete manifestation of that role, UI will hold an International Conference with the topic of “Boosting Indonesia’s Role in G20 Presidency 2022″on Wednesday-Thursday, 15-16 June 2022, at 08.00-17.30 Western Indonesia Time, online and offline at JW Marriott Hotel, Jakarta, and live broadcasted on UI’s Youtube channel.

The speakers who will attend are from Harvard University; Australia National University; University of California, Berkeley; Griffith University; Peking University; dan UI. In this international conference, President Joko WIdodo will deliver an opening remark, and the welcoming remark will be given by UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D.

The keynote speech will be delivered by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affair, H.E. Dr. (H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T MT; Minister for Finance of Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., who is also a member of the UI Board of Trustees; G20 Study Center, University of Toronto, Canada, Prof. John Kirton; Indonesian Co Sherpa G20, Dr. Edi Prio Pambudi; dan Expert Staff in Macroeconomic and International Finance, Dr. Wempi Saputra.

In the first day, the main activity will be devided into four pararrel sessions with the panel discussion format between researchers, UI’s expert team for G20, and the stakeholders,which carries various sub-themes, which are Global Health Architecture, Energy Transitions, Economic and Digital Transformation, and T20 Priority Topic. The results of this discussion are expected to produce outputsin the form of policy recommendations aimed at ensuring that the goals set by the G20 Indonesia Presidency make a meaningful contribution to the Indonesian people and the global community.

Whereas there are two session on the second day panel discussion . The first session with the sub-theme Recommendation to Indonesia G20 Priority Issues (in collaboration with T20will be attended by three representators:; Prof. Rifat Atun (Harvard University), Prof. Frank Jotzo (Australia National University), dan Prof. Glenn A. Woroch (UC Berkeley). Then, the second session of the panel discussion will present speakers; Prof. Andrew O’Neil (Griffith University), Prof. Zha Daojiong (Peking University), dan Prof. Evi Fitriani (Universitas Indonesia) with the sub-themes Geopolitical Conditions Affecting G20 2022. The second session was moderated by a lecturer from the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Makmur Keliat.

This international conference is open to the public, after registering via the link::

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