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UI Wins Six Awards in Various Categories of Diktiristek Award 2023

Universitas Indonesia (UI) won six awards in the 2023 Diktiristek Award organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The award was given at the peak night of the 2023 Diktiristek Award, Wednesday (13/12), at the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel.

On that occasion, UI won the Silver Winner award for the Higher Education sub-category with Management of Foreign Student Study Permits 2023 at the Institutional Awards; and received the Bronze Winner award for the Best Collaboration with Industry sub-category at the Anugerah Cooperation. At the Learning and Student Affairs Awards, UI won two awards, namely the IISMA Participating College with the Best Collaboration and Cooperation for the IISMA category, and the College with the Most Applicants award for the MSIB category. Meanwhile, at the Public Relations Award, UI won the Silver Winner award for the Social Media sub-category and Bronze Winner for the Magazine sub-category.



The Diktiristek Award is an award given annually to stakeholders from universities and higher education service institutions; partners from ministries or institutions, the business world and the industrial world; as well as journalists and media who have actively participated in supporting the transformation of higher education. This year, there were more than ten Awards given to nearly 500 award recipients.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ir. Suharti, M.A., Ph.D., said that the award was a form of appreciation for the success of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program which was implemented together with partners. “The Ministry of Education and Culture, through the Director General of Higher Education, gives appreciation to all partners who have worked extraordinarily in supporting the realization of the transformation of higher education for the progress of Indonesia. We hope that this award can raise enthusiasm for work and improve the performance of all of us,” said Suharti.

The 2023 Diktiristek Award carried the theme “Developing the Country through Transforming Higher Education”. There were ten awards given in the 2022 Diktiristek Award, including the National Priority Award, Collaboration Partner Award for Supporting the Diktiristek Program, Cooperation Award, Learning and Student Affairs Award, Resource Award, Institutional Award, Technology Research and Community Service Award, Public Relations Award, Higher Education Database Award, as well as the Journalist and Media Award.

Through this award, Plt. Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN. Eng., expressed his appreciation to all partners involved. According to him, Indonesia’s achievements at the global level are increasing, one of which is thanks to the success of the Independent Campus program.

“At the end of 2023, we read the Global Innovation Index report, where one of the indicators is collaboration between the campus and the business world of industry (DUDI) in research and development. Thank God, Indonesia’s ranking in the world has increased from 2020 at 35th place to 5th place in 2023. In addition, in the INSEAD ranking, over the last five years, Indonesia has experienced the highest increase in talent competitiveness in Asia and number two in the world, with an increase of 14 ranking. I am sure that the Independent Campus program contributed very significantly to this achievement. This is all thanks to the close collaboration between the campus and DUDI,” said Prof. Nizam.

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