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UI Won at “MaG-D 2015”

Mathematics_concept_collageMathematic Team of Universitas Indonesia got the first place on national mathematic competition “Mathematical Analysis and Geometry Day (MaG-D) 2015”. On the event that was held on Saturday, April 18th 2015 at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) UI sent three teams.

The first winner of MaG-D was UI’s Team 1 that was consists of Yoshua Yonatan (Students of Mathematics, 2011) and Sesha Andipa (Students of Mathematics, 2011). Meanwhile, UI’s Team 2 that was consists of Tubagus Dhafin (Students of Mathematics, 2013) and M. Khairul (Students of Mathematics, 2013) successfully got the third place.

MaG-D was a national mathematic competition that is held annually by Analysis and Geometry Skill Group of ITB. The competition specifically compete analytical and geometrical problem solving capability on Pure Mathematical Sciences. The competition consists of two rounds, which was elimination and final round. In the middle of competition, there was also general lecture by Prof. Dr. Hendra Gunawan and Dr. Sapto Wahyu Indratno.

On the elimination round, participants were given multiple choice questions and short essays about calculus, geometry, transformation geometry, complex function and real function. On this round, participants were compete individually.

Three team from UI were successfully reach the final round. On this round, all participants did the essay questions with the same materials on elimination round. After that, all the six teams should presenting  the solution of the questions in front of the jury team that was consists of analytical lectures of ITB.

UI regularly participates in this competition every year. “This is a warming up event for team before participating in the next bigger competition such as National Mathematic and Natural Science Olympic (ONMIPA) and International Mathematical Competition (IMC) said Yonatan, one of UI participant. He hopes that by this winning, UI could be more aware and agile with the students talent. “I want to see UI, specifically Mathematic Department, become a good research campus,” close him.

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