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UI’s Culture a Culture of Excellence: Three UI Programs Participate in AUN-QA Assessments

Author: Humairah Nur | Translator: jasper

The ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUNQA) is an assesment program run by the ASEAN University Network (AUN) with the aim of realising the mission of harmonising educational standards, seeking continuous improvement of academic quality of universities in the ASEAN region.

This year, AUN-QA assessed three undergraduate programs in UI: Social Anthropology — part of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), and Dutch Literature and Javanese Literature — both part of the Faculty of Humanities (FIB). Assessment was conducted online from 11 to 15 October 2021 by a team of six assessors from the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. The three programs was assisted by UI’s Academic Quality Assurance Agency (BPMA) throughout.

The assessment began with the delivery of a Self-Assessment Report (SAR) from the three programs to the AUN-QA Secretariat. This was followed by a series of interviews by the assessing team towards the leadership of both faculties, students, alumni, academic staff, supporting staff, and the teams which composed the SARs. Accompanied by UI and faculty leadership and staff, the team also conducted field visits to the faculties in order to verify their findings.

The Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc., welcomed the AUN-QA team in his welcome address and spoke in favour of UI – AUN-QA relations. He explained how UI’s participation in the proceedings is a form of UI’s appreciation of AUN-QA’s dedication in maintaining and improving the quality of higher education in ASEAN.

“UI is an institution of higher education that aims to become an excellent centre of science, technology, and culture, one that competes in ‘educating the life of the nation’ (translator’s note: a phrase quipped from the Preamble of the Indonesian constitution) and improving social welfare so as to contribute to global sustainability and growth. Therefore, UI is always committed to adapt, innovate, and encourage students to compete on national and international levels, be capable of exploring their potentials to their highest extents, and experience quality learning processes.”

Dr. Abdul Harris’s remark was reciprocated by Prof. Dr. Arnulfo P. Azcarraga, the Chief Assessor of AUN-QA in his welcome address. “On behalf of the ASEAN University Network, we are honoured to be involved in the 201st AUN-QA assessment at UI, to be a part of UI’s institutional journey. UI continues to improve the quality of education offered to its students,” he said. The assessors are committed to conducting assessments that provide positive input for the improvement and development of the quality of the respecitve programs.

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