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Understanding the African Continent: The Key to Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Success

President Joko Widodo’s pragmatic policies and entrepreneurial spirit have emerged as the main drivers of Indonesia’s foreign policy towards the African continent. On the other hand, Africa could actually be Indonesia’s path to becoming a major world power if only Indonesia can increase its knowledge capacity about Africa.

This is what Christophe Dorigné-Thomson, A British-French citizen, wrote in his dissertation entitled “The Shift in Indonesian Foreign Policy Towards Africa in the Context of Asia-Africa under the leadership of President Ir. H. Joko Widodo”.

He successfully defended this dissertation at the doctoral promotion session of the Political Science graduate program at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences which took place online last week (07/01). Christophe graduated cum laude and became the 133rd Doctor of Political Science.

This study examines Indonesia’s foreign policy in the period of President Joko Widodo’s leadership and makes an analogy of Indonesia-Africa foreign policy with Indonesia’s relations with other major countries in the world, such as Japan, China, India, South Korea, Brazil, and Turkey.

Indonesia, despite hosting the Asian-African Conference (KAA) in Bandung in 1955, was actually late to establish bilateral relations with African countries in this modern era compared to other developing countries. Aiming to catch up, Indonesia under the leadership of President Joko Widodo decided to make Africa a foreign policy priority through bilateral channels.

One way to build stronger bilateral relations is through political figures. Jokowi’s simple and humble figure and style can provide a positive image for Indonesia’s foreign policy.

In addition, diplomatic relations were also built through joint Indonesia-Africa activities at the Indonesia Africa Forum held in April 2018 in Bali. “Jokowi wants to utilize Bandung for mutual economic benefits with Africa. This is in line with the Bandung KAA final communiqué of 1955 which called for strong Asia-Africa economic relations. Jokowi’s style helps simplify complicated issues, and his pragmatism cuts through bureaucratic hurdles,” Christophe said.

This new study related to Indonesia-Africa diplomatic relations contains an element of novelty because there is no previous research that allows a deeper understanding of the dynamics of Indonesia-Africa bilateral relations.

According to Christophe, “A more expansive foreign policy was made possible by Indonesia’s increasing material power, but material factors cannot fully explain Indonesia’s engagement with Africa. Indonesia as a developmental state and its top leaders, especially the president, have their own logic. International status and domestic politics such as the justification of domestic development success to domestic audiences can be seen among Indonesia’s highest core national interests that correlate with regime security and stability,” he said.

In addition, Christophe explained that in the geopolitical context of US-China systemic competition, Africa can offer new solutions to balance the great powers for Indonesia and ASEAN. He concluded that the resilience and success of the Africa-Indonesia engagement can only be assessed in the long term and depends heavily on presidential leadership, as well as Indonesia’s academic capacity to understand the dynamics of the African continent.

This doctoral promotion is chaired by Prof. Drs. Isbandi Rukmino Adi, M.Kes., Ph.D.; as a promoter of the Professor of Political Science from Universitas Indonesia Prof. Dr. Maswadi Rauf MA.; co-promoter 1 Edy Prasetyono, S.Sos, M.I.S., Ph.D.; and co-promoter 2 Meidi Kosandi, S.IP., M.A., Ph.D. The examiner in this trial is Dr. H. Teuku Faizasyah, M.Si. (Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Julian Aldrin Pasha, M.A., Ph.D. (Head of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Indonesia), and Drs. Fredy Buhama Lumban Tobing, M.Si (Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Indonesia).

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