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Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Administrative Sciences Doctoral Promotion: Nine Determinant Factors in the Development of Special Economic Zones

The Graduate Program of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia inaugurated the 18th doctoral degree for Achmad Fauzi and the 206th in Administrative Sciences.

At the open doctoral promotion session, Achmad Fauzi successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Designing Strategies for Increasing Regional Competitiveness with Special Economic Zones”. He said that the Indonesian government has chosen Special Economic Zones (SEZs) as one of the national development strategies aimed at increasing economic growth and improving national and regional competitiveness. This competitiveness is an indicator of successful development and an attraction for investment in the country.

“In the last ten years, the national ranking of Indonesia’s competitiveness has experienced ups and downs where Indonesia’s competitiveness position was ranked 34th in 2014 to 54th in 2009 out of 100 other countries. In addition, locally only 10 provinces are ranked in the top level of competitiveness,” said Achmad Fauzi.

He explained that it is necessary to increase competitiveness both at the national and local levels through development strategies, one of which is to develop economic areas in regions that have comparative advantages, natural resources, and strategic geographical locations. “The main activities of SEZs currently include export-oriented processing industries and tourism. In the development of SEZs in Indonesia until this research was conducted, it has not been fully able to become an economic driving force to increase economic growth and regional and national competitiveness,” he said.

Therefore, Achmad Fauzi said that a study is needed in order to find out the problems associated with increasing competitiveness, especially in the regions and developing SEZs. “This research aims to analyze developments, identify determinant factors and design strategies that can improve regional competitiveness with SEZs, in three regions that have SEZs, namely Galang Batang SEZ in Bintan Regency, Mandalika SEZ in Central Lombok Regency and Sorong SEZ in Sorong Regency,” he said.

The method used in this research uses the constructivism paradigm and qualitative research methods with multiple case study designs to answer research problems. The results showed that the development of Galang Batang SEZ and Mandalika SEZ achieved good development, while Sorong SEZ has not met the expected target.

In this case, from the three Special Economic Zones sampled in the study, it can be identified that there are nine determinant factors (determinant factors) in the development of Special Economic Zones consisting of: 1) governance (governance); 2) collaboration (collaboration); 3) innovation (

Achmad Fauzi successfully got the Doctorate degree with satisfaction. The Doctoral Promotion Session which was held in a hybrid manner, on Monday (12/07), chaired by Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., MM. The promoter of Achmad Fauzi’s dissertation is Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini, and Prof. Dr. Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu, M.Sc., as Co-promoter; and members consisting of Prof. Dr. Irfan Ridwan Maksum, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr. Haula Rosdiana, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr Muchlis Hamdi, MPA; Dr. Sodjuangon Situmorang, M.Sc.; Dr. Heri Fathurrahman, M.Sc.; Dr. Retno Kusumastuti, M.Sc.; and Dr. Rachma Fitriati, M.Sc., M.Sc.

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