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Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies Team Holds Community Service in Sapit Village, East Lombok

The head of Universitas Indonesia American Regional Studies, School of Strategic and Global Studies SKSG UI Bayu Kristianto, PhD on the meeting with the head of the village, Sapit H Sriatun and the local people.

The American Regional Studies Program (KWA), School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG), Universitas Indonesia (UI) held Community Service in Sapit Village, Suela District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). This community service in Sapit Village took place on August 5-10, 2022. The Head of the SKSG UI American Regional Studies Program, Bayu Kristianto, Ph.D., said that at this time, Universitas Indonesia was intensively carrying out community service. In the 2022 KWA Community Service program, Bayu said the team will carry out a number of activities in the form of training on digital marketing, renewable technology, as well as assembly and practice of using solar carts aimed at the people of Sapit Village, East Lombok, along with MSMEs in this village. “With the aim that they are able to increase their ability to market products in the form of coffee and be able to use environmentally friendly technology for product marketing purposes,” said Bayu, Saturday (6/8/2022). Bayu hopes that through this community service, the goals that are being pursued by farmers and MSME activists in this village can be more advanced and developed with training on digital marketing techniques. And with the use of the latest technological tools in the marketing process which also contributes to environmental preservation. “We want to involve community members in this village, who are mainly involved in the coffee cultivation business, in this activity so that the benefits of this activity can be felt by those in need,” said Bayu. Thus, continued Bayu, coffee as an agricultural product of this village community is increasingly entering the market and being known by the wider community, especially coffee connoisseurs. “Our big hope is that the people of this village will be able to manage the natural resources they have on their own land and not depend on people outside the village for their livelihood. For example, foreign companies or government agencies,” said Bayu. The head of Sapit Village, H Sriatun, S.Pt., welcomed the implementation of the KWA SKSG UI community service in his village. “Welcome from Jakarta, lecturers and students who are active in this village. We are grateful for this activity,” said Sriatun. Sriatun hopes that this activity can have a positive impact on this village. “I am absolutely sure,” said Sriatun.


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