Ivan Widjanarko, a 2018 student of the Computer Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI). Bank Indonesia awarded 31 winners based on their performance during the program. A total of 102 interns from 27 universities from all over Indonesia participated in the KMBI program which took place from 18 August 2021 to 17 February 2022.
During the program, Bank Indonesia monitored and assessed various aspects, such as attitude, attendance, level of activity, as well as collecting internship assignments. There are nine award categories, namely: Most Leading, Most Digital Freak, Most 4.0, Most Visionary, Most Popular, Most Learner, Most Agile, Most Mindfulness, and Most Innovative. The winners of the nine categories (31 people) received certificates of appreciation and attractive prizes from Bank Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia sent four students to join the KMBI Bank Indonesia program.
Ivan recounted the first project he worked on in the KMBI program, which was to design the BI online central banking education management site (SPEKTRO) as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Expert Hub platform. “Initially, BI provided documents in the form of Business Requirement Documents (BRD) and Workflows related to the MOOC page that they wanted to develop. These documents explain the business processes and the features that you want to present on the page. I designed the UI/UX appearance of the website to be more user friendly, so that ordinary people who are entering the site for the first time can easily understand the features provided.”
In addition to the SPEKTRO website design, Ivan also had the opportunity to run a second project related to processing and visualizing BI (Bank Indonesia) employee data. Processing and visualization of the data was created using Google Data Studio and Microsoft Power BI (Bank Indonesia). In this project, the innovation that Ivan brings is the use of a framework, Microsoft Power BI (Bank Indonesia), by combining the relations of each database, so that the visualization becomes more attractive but still displays and describes the right data.
“Through the KMBI program, I got the experience of studying and working. Even though I am a student of the UI Engineering Faculty, I am still enthusiastic about learning material about central banking, monetary, and work culture at BI. Internship activities at BI are carried out in a structured manner following the Personal Development Journey (PDJ) document which is approved by the intern and mentor at the beginning of the internship. This PDJ contains learning modules that will be studied and a timeline for project work,” said Ivan regarding his experience following the KMBI program.
Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), expressed his appreciation for Ivan’s achievements. “Until the end of the odd semester 2021/2022 academic year, there were more than 1000 FTUI students who had participated in the MBKM program. The programs they participate in include the MSIB program, Bangkit, Young Fighters, IISMA, and internships at various companies such as KMBI Bank Indonesia. FTUI as part of the University of Indonesia strongly supports the MBKM program which encourages students to master various sciences that are useful for entering the world of work, “said Prof. Harry.
“I am very grateful because I was able to get an award as the most innovative intern during the KMBI Batch III program. I am happy and proud to be able to contribute and provide innovations in project work at Bank Indonesia, especially in working on the SPEKTRO site project with mentors and companions from the Learning, Innovation, Design, and Evaluation (LIDE) unit. I hope that the experience and learning gained can be a valuable provision for me to enter the world of work in the future,” said Ivan.