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Universitas Indonesia Students Win the 2021 Business Innovation Challenge Ruang Guru

The pandemic has severely impacted the book industry, just like several other fields. In fact, the need for educational materials for self-study is increasingly essential in the current situation. That’s why the solution proposed by TeamEd, which consists of undergraduate Management students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) in collaboration with undergraduate Management students from Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), is aimed at helping the book industry ecosystem in Indonesia, so that it is conducive for both learners and learning material providers.

TeamEd from FEB UI, consisting of Enike Maria Vianey and Sheila Firda Annisarahma, and Novan Yonatan Seilatu from UNJ, won second place in the Ruangguru Business Innovation Challenge 2021 competition. They won thanks to their business idea of an e-Library application that facilitates publishers to market books and help solve the problem of book piracy in Indonesia. The competition was attended by more than 500 teams from various universities in Indonesia and abroad.

This application is also a place for education content creators to publish lecture learning materials and earn income through the publication of learning content. “During the competition, the most supportive analysis was in the form of learning to develop or hone their potential. From this, we learned that solid teamwork and high fighting power become a source of energy to give our best effort,” said Enike.

Meanwhile, Sheila said that the competition provided knowledge about the landscape of the book industry in Indonesia. Currently, the pandemic is having a huge impact on the book industry. In fact, the need for educational materials for self-study is increasingly essential in the current situation. That’s why the solution proposed by TeamEd is aimed at helping the book industry ecosystem in Indonesia to be conducive for both learners and learning material providers.

“Of course, we are very happy to participate in this competition, we are given abundant learning opportunities. Plus mentor guidance from highly competent organizers in the field of education. We hope that the solution innovations provided can be useful for building the nation.” he said.

In line with Sheila, Novan said, “Actually, we didn’t expect to be able to go this far, seeing that the opponent is quite tough and the business ideas are no less interesting. Hopefully this victory can be a trigger for our enthusiasm to continue to work and make an innovation to advance the nation and state. We would like to thank the faculties and universities for being a platform for us to continue working.”

Ruangguru Business Innovation Challenge 2021 (RUBIC) is a competition for students to create innovations in the field of education technology, honing entrepreneurship, creativity, and social perspective for those who want to contribute to advancing quality education. To participate in this competition, fifth-semester students from various universities at home and abroad are required to have a GPA of 3.30 and form a team of three people.

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