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Universitas Indonesia (UI) -National Center for Global Health & Medicine Japan Make Clinical Research Collaboration

Global collaboration in clinical research is needed to address world-scale health problems and provide evidence-based solutions. Many challenges are faced in conducting multinational research, such as regulatory and ethical differences in each country, differences in medical systems, and policy differences. These challenges affect the scope of research and lead to potential impacts on the development of healthcare services, health economics and society.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) and the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Japan, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in early December 2021, which among other things is expected to provide solutions to global health problems. In addition, this cooperation aims to explore the possibility of developing various research programs and other collaborations, such as exchange students, staff, and researchers.

In addition, developing and actively participating in the Academic Research Organization (ARO) Alliance for ASEAN & East Asia (ARISE) as a forum to improve networking in the field of clinical research. Cooperation between UI and NCGM also includes the exchange of human resources, exchange of up-to-date information through the holding of joint conferences, symposiums, or other scientific meetings on topics of mutual interest, as well as exploring the possibility of developing other research programs.

The two institutions agreed to improve the capabilities of clinical researchers, especially those from the UI Faculty of MedicineFM UI ). The MoU signing was done desk to desk between UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., and NCGH President Dr. Norihiro Kokudo, M.D., Ph.D..

The Dean of Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medine, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB said, “This is a good opportunity to take part in the Multi-Regional Clinical Trial (MRCT) by NCGM in collaboration with ARISE. We hope that through this event, we will not only be able to build a foundation for ARISE and have fruitful discussions, but also that all institutions present can open up opportunities for further collaboration and elaborative projects. We can’t wait to hear more insights and ideas from everyone here in person.”

The signing ceremony of the collaboration between Universitas Indonesia (UI) and NCGM was held online in early December 2021, which was attended by the dean of Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine and other leadership ranks.

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